Maine Town Documents
Document Type
Town of Winslow
Publication Date
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Publisher location
Winslow, Maine
Abstract/ Summary
Winslow Ordinances include:
Winslow Town Ordinances Part 1
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Administration
Chapter 3: Animals
Chapter 4: Building and Plumbing
Chapter 5: Businesses
Chapter 6: Floodplain Management
Chapter 7: Mobile Homes, Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Parks
Chapter 8: Morals and Conduct
Chapter 9: Parks and Recreation
Chapter 10: Sewers
Chapter 11: Streets
Chapter 12: Subdivisions
Chapter 13: Vehicles and Traffic
Winslow Town Ordinances Part 2
Chapter 14: Zoning
Chapter 14 Appendix A
Chapter 14 Appendix B
Chapter 14 Appendix C
Chapter 14 Table 1: Land Uses in the Shoreland Zone
Chapter 14 Application Fees
Chapter EL: Table of Excluded Legislation
Chapter DL: Disposition List
Winslow Town Ordinances Maps
Map 1: Flood Plain Map
Map 2: Shoreland Zoning Map
Map 3: Firearms Discharge Map
Map 4: Voting Districts
Repository Citation
Winslow (Me.). Municipal Officers, "Winslow Town Ordinances" (2018). Maine Town Documents. 6933.
publisher's version of the published document
Winslow Town Ordinances Part 2
Winslow-Town-Ordinances-Maps.pdf (29045 kB)
Winslow Town Ordinances Maps