Maine Town Documents
Document Type
Publication Date
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Publisher location
Waterford, Me.
Abstract/ Summary
Ordinances included:
- Floodplain Management Ordinance
- Land Use Planning Ordinance
- Shoreland Zoning Ordinance
- Subdivision Ordinance
Ordinances included in Part II
- Addressing Ordinance 1996
- Fireworks Ordinance 2018
- Mass Gathering Ordinance
- Noise Ordinance
- Recall Ordinance
- Site Plan Ordinance 2007
- Solid Waste Ordinance
Repository Citation
Waterford (Me.), "Town of Waterford, Maine Selected Ordinances" (2012). Maine Town Documents. 1994.
publisher's version of the published document
Waterford Town Ordinances, Part II