Maine Town Documents
Document Type
Publication Date
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Publisher location
Surry, Me.
Repository Citation
Surry (Me.). Comprehensive Planning Committee and Hancock County Planning Commission, "Surry Comprehensive Plan 2014" (2014). Maine Town Documents. 1451.
publisher's version of the published document
Map_2_Surry_Village_Map.pdf (6199 kB)
Map_3_Current_Zoning_Map.pdf (2546 kB)
Map_4_Proposed_Future_Land_Use.pdf (412 kB)
Map_5_Village_Area_Showing_Proposed_Sidewalks.pdf (5169 kB)
Map_6_Soil_Potential_Ratings.pdf (577 kB)
Map_7_Conservation_Map.pdf (6284 kB)
Map_8_Transportation_Map.pdf (4325 kB)
Map_9_Marine_Water_Quality.pdf (1893 kB)
Map_10_Surry_Watersheds.pdf (1346 kB)
Map_11_Constraints_Map.pdf (6875 kB)
Map_12_Agricultural_Resources.pdf (376 kB)
Map_13_Critical_Natural_Resources.pdf (4522 kB)
Map_14_Tree_Growth_and_Flood_Plain.pdf (660 kB)
Map_15_Archaeological_and_Historical_Resources.pdf (3464 kB)
Detailed versions of included maps may be downloaded from Additional Files.