Document Type
Opinion Piece
Publication Title
The Maine Campus
Publication Date
First Page
Issue Number
Volume Number
Abstract/ Summary
I grew up in a small town in Maine, right outside of Bangor. Like most towns in Maine, it was very homophobic. My experience of being gay is defined by that and one other thing, the murder of Charlie Howard. This opinion piece is accompanied by an editorial cartoon by S. Cote, depicting an anthropomorphized brick building bearing a large sign that reads "U-Maine Love It or Leave It!" The building is depicted with an angry expression and it appears to be spitting out a man. A second building sign reads: "Applicants should be: Conservative, Attractive, and Shallow. Social and Athletic Skills a Plus."
Social Justice_Maine_Campus_vol_108_no_29_p_8_1991-04-12
Repository Citation
Genest, Jeremiah, "Coming out of the closet" (1991). Social Justice: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. 747.
publisher's version of the published document
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