Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Understanding Reactions to Inequality: Examining the Palliative Function of Meritocracy and Group Discrepancies for Wellbeing, Brandon Joseph Cosley
The Communication Experience of Relationship Dissolution: A Grounded Theory Approach, Sandra M. Fetterman
Extending the Stigma Acknowledgment Hypothesis: A Consideration of Visibility, Concealability, and Timing of Disclosure, Jeffrey A. Goodman
Forming Family: Lesbian Mothers in Rural Communities, Sharon L. Labrie
A Content Analysis of Disney Animated Films: Identifying Teachable Moments for Parents, Elizabeth Marie Lavoie
Gay and Lesbian Human Rights: An Exploration of Attitudes on a Northeastern University Campus, Sarah B. Paterson
Following the Evangeline Trail: Acadian Identity Performance Across Borders, Adrienne Marie Pidacks
Discourse on Race and Racism: A Phenomenological Analysis of Responses to Black.White., Kristen M. Riley
Intervening to Promote Social Skill Usage in Head Start Preschoolers: A Single-Group Design Evaluation of Effectiveness, Elizabeth J. Sheperd
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Valuation of Avoiding Arsenic in Drinking Water in Rural Bangladesh: An Averting Behavior Analysis, Sonia N. Aziz
Emerging Adolescent Sexuality: A Comparison of American and Dutch Women's Experiences, Maria Johanna Elisabeth Brugman
Storytelling Home: A Zimbabwean Women's Performance, Jlynn J. Frazier
Gender-Atypical Emotion Regulation in Children: Relations to Social and Psychological Functioning, Carisa Perry-Parrish
College Students' Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Based on Victim/Perpetrator Sex, Joseph David Wellman
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
No Longer an Island: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge, Jessica Brophy
My Parents Divorced While I was in College: The Effects of Parental Divorce on College Students, Jessica L. Bulduc
"Tastes Like Home": Women Performing Immigrant Identity through Food, Sarah D. Crossman
Rural Community Attitudes Towards Tourism, Jonathan Hugh Devine
Crystallizing Social Consciousness toward Social Justice Development among Adolescents: An Autoethnography of the Diversity Coalition Facilitator, Dorothy D. Foote
Risk and Protective Factors of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Crisis Counselors, Catherine J. Lounsbury
Length of Residency and the Importance of Environmental Amenities to Residential Location Decisions, Judith Ellen Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Race-O-Rama: A Philosophical Look at Race and Stereotypes in Pop Culture, Michelle M.E. Bernard
Toilet Training: Parents' Perspectives, Sarah C.K. Bourget
Predictors and Classification Systems of Cognitive Decline or Impairment During Aging, Walter P. Camire
The Role of Maintenance Behaviors in Happy Long-Term Committed Marriages?, Barbara Jean Carey
Significant Adults as Protective Factors: Retrospective Views of At-Risk Youth, Gregg Dowty
Withdrawal/Withholding Life-Sustaining Therapies: Factors that Influence Family Decisions, Janice Lee Fitzherbert Pilotte
Determining Consumer Food Purchasing Bahavior in Maine, Abhijeet Kumar
Relational Victimization in Adolescence: A Model of Factors Increasing Risk for Psychological Difficulties, Jessica M. Matthews
Grandparent Caregivers: Their Joys, Challenges and Concerns for the Future, Michaela E. McCarthy
My Best Friend: A Closer Look at Relationships with Companion Animals, Margaret E. Oehler
Parent-child Interactions in the Maintenance of Childhood Anxiety Disorders, Bethany J. Sallinen
Conflict Management Skills in Women who Work Outside Home and Homemakers, Sandra Caceres Tijerina
Work Spillover and its Affects on Home Life, Kristina M. Wegner
Girls in the Woods: An Exploration of the Impact of a Wilderness Program on Adolescent Girls' Constructions of Femininity, Anja Whittington
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The Economic Impact and Importance of Microbusinesses to the New England Economy, Sibel Atasoy
Self-Reported Field Dependent/Independent Characteristics in Immigrant Adult Learners, Jean A. Dyer
Experiences of the Stigmatized: Discrimination Likelihood, Stigma Consciousness, Attributions to Prejudice, Coping Strategies and Psychological Well-Being, Jeffrey A. Goodman
Relationship between Emotional Competence and Metabolic Control in Adolescents with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), April Erwin Nesin
Older Women/Younger Men: A Look at the Implications of Age Heterogamy in Marriage, Nichole R. Proulx-King
The Prescribing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices among Nurse Practitioners in Maine towards Benzodiazepines, Michael L. Rizzo
Adolescent Emotional Development: Relations Among Shame- and Guilt-Proneness, Emotion Regulation, and Psychopathology, Sheri Dawn Stegall
Fathers' Involvement in their Young Children's Everyday Life: A Look at Father's Involvement in his Preschool Child's Physical, Social, Cognitive, and Emotional Development, Elena R. Yanakieva
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Domestic Violence Myth Acceptance Scale: Development and Psychometric Testing of a New Instrument, John Peters
The Rogues of 'Quoddy: Smuggling in the Maine New Brunswick Borderlands 1783-1820, Joshua M. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Being in Difference: A Phenomenology of the Migrant Condition, Zornitsa D. Keremidchieva
Selling America: The Boy Scouts of America in the Progressive Era, 1910-1921, John Phillips
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The Good Girl Bad Girl Dilemma: Exploring Rural Maine Girls' Sexual Desires, Behaviors, and Relationships, Mary Madden
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The Content And Process Of Women’s Decision-Making Viewed Through The Lenses of Feminine/Feminist Ethics And Roman Catholicism, Nancy Parent Bancroft
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Teen Pregnancy: What Brings Teens To Family Planning Clinics For Pregnancy Tests, Norma Reynolds Allen
Honors Theses from 1960
A Study of the Attitudes of Parents in Relation to the Behavior of their Children in Nursery School, Rose Marie Baron
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
A Study of the Causes of Racial Friction as Represented in the Detroit, Beaumont, and Harlem Outbreaks, Evelyn B. Knight