Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Publication Date
Publication Number
Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3151
Place of conference
St. Andrews, New Brunswick
Conference Sponsor
Maine Sea Grant, Broadreach Fund, others
Abstract/ Summary
A council of stakeholders ranging from fishermen, to scientists, and fisheries managers from both Canada and the United States convened on May 6, 7, and 8, 2014 in St. Andrews, New Brunswick to review and discuss the most recent scientific information relevant to the sea scallop fisheries and aquaculture efforts in the US and Canada. The US and Canada Scallop Summit aimed to strengthen and broaden the knowledge base in the scallop fisheries, with a focus on the nearshore fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy, as well as aquaculture efforts, and develop research priorities that aim to assist in the goal of profitable, sustainable fisheries that support coastal communities. More specifically, the overarching goals of this meeting were: i) to review and discuss the most recent scientific information relevant to the sea scallop fisheries and aquaculture efforts in the US and Canada among stakeholders – scientists, harvesters, and managers, ii) to bring together relevant groups – including scientists, harvesters, and managers, to increase coordination and collaboration on future scientific research opportunities, and iii) to provide an inclusive and participative forum to engage industry in scientific discussions and knowledge sharing. The summit involved 41 participants (mainly from Atlantic Canada and New England) and 14 presentations over four theme sessions. These proceedings provide an overall summary of the meeting presentations, questions, and discussion sessions.
Repository Citation
Bayer, Skylar; Cheney, Trisha; Guenther, Carla; and Sameoto, J. A., "Proceedings of the US and Canada Scallop Science Summit: St. Andrews, New Brunswick, May 6–8, 2014" (2016). Maine Sea Grant Publications. 120.
Citation/Publisher Attribution
S.R. Bayer, T. Cheney, C. Guenther, and J.A. Sameoto. 2016. Proceedings of the US and Canada Scallop Science Summit: St. Andrews, New Brunswick, May 6–8, 2014. Can. Tech. Rep. Aquat. Sci. 3151: v + 48 p.
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