Bolduc/Bishop Nov 3,1989

Gary Salas

Reel #1 1/4”x10” @7.5ips half-track recording

Label: “Bolduc/Bishop Nov 3,1989”

language: English

00:00 MARC radio Gary Salas introduction (clip)

00:49 Suzanne Bolduc discussion on culture

18:54 Claire Bolduc reading of Antonine Maillet

23:49 incidental music: Il Etait Un Petit Navire - La Bonne Aventure

26:00 Jim Bishop, Angle of Reflection -

32:26 discussion with Tony Brinkley & Bernice Magnus-

Abstract/ Summary

MARC Radio was a radio program at the University of Maine, Orono. It was broadcast on the campus radio station, WMEB. It was sponsored by the Franco American Centre at UMaine.