Letter from Achsah Lemont to her brother Frank L. Lemont, October 25, 1863. In it she tells Frank that she is now boarding with a Mr. and Mrs. Russel taking care of their children during their absence and that due to this she feels rather overwhelmed, almost to the point of insanity. Achsah also speaks of the state of the family and other goings on at home. In a rather personal moment she also inquires of his intentions towards Electa Lemont and she warns him to not pursue such intentions, and in regards to her own love life she provided a rather dismal overview, predicting she would take the title of "old maid" so as the rest of her siblings might find spouses.
Taken from the Paul W. Bean Collection, Box no. 277, f.8
Fall 10-25-1863
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Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Lewiston, ME
Environment, Civil War, Home Front, letters, letter from home, Achsah, Frank L. Lemont, 5th Maine Volunteers
Military History | Social History
Recommended Citation
Lemont, Achsah, "Letter from Achsah Lemont to Frank L. Lemont, October 25, 1863" (1863). Paul W. Bean Civil War Papers. Item 32.

Included in the PDF is a scan of Bean's typed transcription of this letter. Later a modern transcription will be included for the benefit of the researcher.