Letter from Samuel R. Lemont to his son Frank L. Lemont, June 10, 1862. Samuel comments on the state of the war and how close his son is to the conflict without being embroiled in battle, though certainly engagement is at this time unavoidable.
Taken from the Paul W. Bean Collection, Box no. 277, f.8
Summer 6-10-1862
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Lewiston, ME
Environment, Civil War, Home Front, letters, letter from home, Samuel R. Lemont, Frank L. Lemont, 5th Maine Volunteers
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Military History | Social History
Recommended Citation
Lemont, Samuel R., "Letter from Samuel R. Lemont to Frank L. Lemont, June 10, 1862" (1862). Paul W. Bean Civil War Papers. Item 10.

Included in this PDF is Bean's transcript of the letter. A modern version has been uploaded for the benefit of the researcher.