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Publication Date


Publisher location

Portland, Maine

Place of conference

Blaine House Conference on Aging

Abstract/ Summary

In order to allow older adults to live at home and in their community as independently as possible for as long as possible, it is crucial to identify the needs in regard to housing and services. Meeting the needs of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia is particularly challenging due to the duration and complexity of the disease process. These aspects must be taken into consideration when evaluating the best location and services in a community. Housing should be affordable, accessible, and available to older adults in their communities. In Maine, almost one quarter of homeowners over the age of 65 pay at least 30 percent of their income to housing. Many various housing and service options are evaluated in this report in terms of best options for different situations. In order to allow for improvement in housing and services, it is crucial for individuals to become informed, for communities to provide information and create partnerships, and for policy makers to coordinate resources, support home modifications, assure availability, continue evidence-based care for people with dementia, and promote innovation.


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Social Work Commons



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