Volume 26, Number 4
Maine's Oldest Historical Societies
Spring, 1987
Front Matter
Journal Cover and TOC Vol. 26, No. 4
Maine Historical Society
Maine’s Oldest Historical Societies
Louis Leonard Tucker
The First 100 Years of The Maine Historical Society, 1822-1922
Elizabeth J. Miller
New Directions for the Bangor Historical Society: The Remaking of an Eighteenth-Century Institution, 1864-1984
Marilyn Gass and Abigal Ewing
“Science-Art-History”: The Early Years of the York Institute, Saco, Maine, 1966-1971
Kerry A. O'Brien
Of Leaders and Loyalty: The Pejepscot Historical Society, 1888-1987
Katherine B. Hudson
End Matter
End Matter Vol. 26, No. 4
Maine Historical Society