Document Type

Book Chapter


2nd edition


Patrick Ragains

Publication Title

Information Literacy Instruction That Works: A Guide to Teaching by Discipline and Student Population


Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association

Publication Date


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First Page


Last Page


Abstract/ Summary

This chapter describes a standards-based framework of information literacy instruction (ILI) for undergraduate engineering students. It begins by identifying characteristics of information literacy that are most relevant to the engineering curriculum, framed by a review of the ACRL’s Information Literacy Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology. Recommendations for delivering ILI to undergraduate engineering students are given, drawing from a pilot program for integrating information literacy into the Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) program at the University of Maine. Finally, assessment strategies for ILI curricula are provided, based on examples from the MET pilot. Throughout the chapter, core engineering information resources are identified, and a list of suggested resources is included.


publisher's version of the published document

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