Document type
Race Program
Gorham Fair Association
Date of Race
Park Location
Gorham, Maine
Event Type
Gorham Fair Association Races
Level of Description
Extent of the Unit of Description
6 pages
The official race program for the Tuesday, October 26, 1937 Gorham Fair Races at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds. The program includes the name of race officials including Harry McKenney, starting judge; Frank Trott, presiding judge; and Frank R. Witman, director of mutuels. Pari-mutuel betting was operated under the supervision of the Maine Racing Commission. Rules for the Daily Double races are recorded in the program. The program cover features a portrait of standardbred horse, Sandman. The program also includes photographer Guy Kendall's handwritten notes on race finishes and times, as well as changes in the race line up.
Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, New England harness racing, Maine harness racing, horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Track Location
Gorham Fair Association Races, October 26, 1937
Gorham, Maine
The official race program for the Tuesday, October 26, 1937 Gorham Fair Races at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds. The program includes the name of race officials including Harry McKenney, starting judge; Frank Trott, presiding judge; and Frank R. Witman, director of mutuels. Pari-mutuel betting was operated under the supervision of the Maine Racing Commission. Rules for the Daily Double races are recorded in the program. The program cover features a portrait of standardbred horse, Sandman. The program also includes photographer Guy Kendall's handwritten notes on race finishes and times, as well as changes in the race line up.
Tuesday, October 26th, 1937
1st Race
1st Half Daily Double
1 DORA HAL, b.m. Wayne Hal, E. Rowe, Rowe Brown & Orange
2 JOLLY WORTHY, ch.g. Boyd Worthy, R. Kennett, Tuttle Blue
3 IRISH POLLY, b.m. Dan Twinkle, L. Haddock, Morgan Green & White
4 EASTER STAR, b.g. Day Star, H. Larochelle, Larochelle Brown
5 STREAMLINE, b.m. Geo. Harvester, H. M. Day, Day Blue and Gold
6 PETER’S IDEAL, blk.g. Peter Dean, J. Phelan, Phelan Blue & White
7 SIGNAL MERRIMAN, b.g. (scratch) Signal Peter, E. S. Arey,
8 PETER SIMMONS, b.g. Count Dashoff, C. Smith, Smith Black & White
2nd Race
2.14 TROT
1 QUAYLE EXPRESS, ch.g. (scratch) Atlantic Express, H. K. Smith, Russell Green
(Write-in: Ak-Sar-Ben, Chappelle)
2 SLICKAWAY, ch.g. Guy Bell, P. C. Russell
3 MARGARET HARVESTER, b.m. Geo. Harvester, L. Haddock, Morgan Green & White
4 BELLONA, ch.m. Chestnut Peter, F. Sargent, Sargent Green
(Write-in: Norma McGregor, Hazen)
5 HONEY VOLO Peter Volo, J. Joseph, Farwell Blue & Gold
6 BABE GRATTON, blk.m. Orcas Grattan, F. Turcotte, Larochelle Brown
7 TIDEMARK, blk.g. Lee Tide, J. F. Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Blue
8 MARY AGNES, b.m. Guy Richards, L. McLeod, McLeod Black
9 PAGAN, b. g. Judge Maxey, D. Gentles, Metcalf Green & White
10 REVOLA HANOVER, b.m. (scratch) Dillon Volo, M. Mello, Bolduc Brown & Red
(Write-in: Mac Harvester, Hannefin)
11 SINGLE BOB, b.g. Single, G A. Beaton, Beaton Black
12 GEM, b.g. Chestnut Peter, E. E. Arey, Rowe Brown & Orange
3rd Race
2nd Half Daily Double
1 AULUS, b.g. (scratch) Judge Maxey, Geo. B. Gale, Holden Black & Gold
2 JENNIE HANOVER, b.m. Great Volo, J. Phelan, Phelan Blue & White
3 ORENA HANOVER, b.m Dillon Volo, Stanwood & Cummings, Jordan Blue & White
4 JOHN ROWLAND, b.g. The Senator, H. M. Day, Day Blue & Gold
5 VOLO MAE, b.m. Peter Volo, W. Cleary, Cleary Black & White
6 QUICK QUAKER, b.g. Peter Lincoln, Chas. Cummings, Mason Black
4th Race
1 Peter's Ideal Phalen Blue & White
2 Jolly Worthy Tuttle Blue
3 Signal Merriman (scratch)
4 Dora Hal Rowe Br. & Orange
5 Irish Polly Morgan Green & White
6 Easter Star Larochelle Brown
7 Peter Simmons Smith Black & White
8 Streamline Day Blue & Gold
5th Race
2.14 TROT
1 Slickaway
2 Mary Agnes McLeod Black
3 Gem Rowe Br. & Orange
4 Babe Gratton Larochelle Brown
5 Single Bob Beaton Black
6 Honey Volo Farwell Blue & Gold
7 Tidemark Fitzgerald Blue
8 Bellona Sargent Green
9 Revola Hanover Bolduc Brown & Red
10 Margaret Harvester Morgan Green & White
11 Quayle Express Russell Green
12 Pagan Metcalf Green & White
6th Race
1 Volo Mae Cleary Black & White
2 John Rowland Day Blue & Gold
3 Jennie Hanover Phalen Blue & White
4 Orena Hanover Jordan Blue & White
5 Quick Quaker Mason Black
6 Aulus (scratch) Holden Black & Gold
7th Race
1 Irish Polly Morgan Green & White
2 Streamline Day Blue & Gold
3 Signal Merriman (scratch)
4 Peter’s Ideal Phalen Blue & White
5 Dora Hal Rowe Br. & Orange
6 Jolly Worthy Tuttle Blue
7 Peter Simmons Smith Black & White
8 Easter Star Larochelle Brown
8th Race
2.14 TROT
1 Mary Agnes McLeod Black
2 Gem Rowe Br. & Orange
3 Honey Volo Farwell Blue & Gold
4 Bellona (scratch) Sargent Green
(Write-in: Norma McGregor, Hazen)
5 Pagan Metcalf Green & White
6 Quayle Express Russell Green
(Write-in: Ak-Sar-Ben)
7 Babe Gratton Larochelle Brown
8 Revola Hanover Bolduc Brown & Red
(Write-in: Mac Harvester)
9 Slickaway
10 Tidemark Fitzgerald Blue
11 Margaret Harvester Morgan Green & White
12 Single Bob Beaton Black
9th Race
1 Orena Hanover Jordan Blue & White
2 John Rowland Day Blue & Gold
3 Volo Mae Cleary Black & White
4 Aulus (scratch) Holden Black & Gold
5 Quick Quaker Mason Black
6 Jennie Hanover Phalen Blue & White