Document type
Race Program
Maine State Fair Grounds
Date of Race
Park Location
Lewiston, Maine
Event Type
Maine State Fair
Level of Description
Extent of the Unit of Description
6 pages
Maine State Fair race program for the Tuesday, September 7, 1937 race events. The program includes the names of race officials and Guy Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in the race line up as well as race results and his winnings.
Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, New England harness racing, Maine harness racing, horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Track Location
Maine State Fair, September 7, 1937
Lewiston, Maine
Maine State Fair race program for the Tuesday, September 7, 1937 race events. The program includes the names of race officials and Guy Kendall's handwritten notes about changes in the race line up as well as race results and his winnings.
Member of National Trotting Assn.
Tuesday, September 7, 1937
Official Race Program
L. D. Sheldon
Roger Rourke
F. M. Simmons
Robert Johnson
Operated Under Supervision of
1st RACE
First Half Daily Double
Gayton Crowley Chevrolet Inc. Race
1 KASH BUSTER b.g. (scratch) by Great Volo, Mrs. Leona Cyr, Bath, Maine Jewett Blue and White
2 NORMA MCGREGOR ch.m. by McGregor the Great, Chick, Pittsfield. N. H. Chick
3 CALUMET CHIMES b.g. by Peter the Brewer, Mrs. Gross, Auburn, Maine, Hall and Tan
4 MARGARET HARVESTER b.m. by Geo. Harvester, H. Day, Gorham, Me. Day Purple
5 JIM TROGAN blk.g. by Guy Trogan Walter Gibbons, Topsfield, Maine Gibbons Black
6 MUSSETTE ch. m. by The Senator Smith, Augusta, Maine Phinney Tan
7 PATRICIA DILLON b.m. (scratch) by Dillon Volo Dr. Mills, Farmington, Maine Mills Black and White
2nd RACE
Second Half Daily Double
Bickford Motor Service Race
1 PETER SIMMONS b.g. by Count Dashoff, Smith, Hallowell, Maine Smith
2 CALUMET DENNISCISCO b.m. by Truax, Robert Laundry, Biddeford, Me. Small Green
3 MARJORIE S. b.m. (scratch) by Wayne Hal C. Kebrich, Plymouth, N. H. Kebrich Red and Tan
4 NICKDALE ch.g. by Single G., Simmons, Rockland, Maine Hall Red and Tan
5 IDEAL BOY b.g. by Echo Todd, Harry P. Clukey, Dexter, Me. H. Clukey Red & Blue
6 SO BIG D, b.g. (scratch) by Abbedale, Snell, Agt. McFalls, Maine Snell Black
3rd RACE
Cal Young Fuel Co. Race
1 MIDGET MINE b.m. (scratch) by Pal O’Mine. Fred Rouillard, Newport, Maine Rouillard Red and Tan
2 STAR HANOVER b.g. by Sandy Flash, Mrs. Gross, Auburn, Maine Hall Red and Tan
3 SUNDERLAND MAID b.m. by Dillon Volo, R. C. Grant, Greenfield, Mass. Grant Black and White
4 ROLLING ROCK b.m. by Peter Volo, A. N. Drake, Albion, Maine Drake Black
5 PAL O’MINE JR. b.g. by Pal O’Mine, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Lewiston, Me. McMinnemon Tan
6 CARRIOCA b.g. by Pal O'Mine, Franz Simmons, Rockland, Maine Jordan Blue and White
4th RACE
Maine Hotel Race
1 Margaret Harvester Day
2 Kash Buster (scratch) Jewett
3 Mussette Phinney
4 Patricia Dillon (scratch) Mills
5 Jim Trogan Gibbons
6 Norma McGregor Chick
7 Calumet Chimes Hall
5th RACE
Davis Cadillac Co. Inc. Race
1 Ideal Boy H. Clukey
2 Calumet Denniscisco Small
3 So Big D. (scratch) Snell
4 Peter Simmons Smith
5 Margery S. (scratch) Kebrich
6 Nickdale Hall
6th RACE
Morrison Supply Race
1 Pal O’Mine Jr. McMinnemon
2 Rolling Rock p Drake
3 Carrioca Jordan
4 Sunderland Maid Grant
5 Star Hanover Hall
6 Midget Mine (scratch) Rouillard
7th RACE
P. E. Frost Motor Co. Race
1 JIM TROGAN blk.g. by Guy Trogan, Walter Gibbons, Topsfield, Maine Gibbons Black
2 NORMA McGREGOR ch. m. by McGregor, the Great Chick, Pittsfield. N. H. Chick
3 PATRICIA DILLON b.m.(scratch) by Dillon Volo, Dr. Mills, Farmington, Maine Mills Black and White
4 CALUMET CHIMES by Peter the Brewer, Mrs. Gross, Auburn, Maine Hall Red and Tan
5 KASH BUSTER b.g. (scratch) by Great Volo, Mrs. Leona Cyr, Bath, Maine Jewett Blue and White
6 MARGARET HARVESTER b.m. by Geo. Harvester, H. Day, Gorham, Me. Day Purple
7 MUSSETTE ch.m. by The Senator, Smith, Augusta, Maine Phinney Tan
8th RACE
Mt. Zircon Springs Race
1 MARJORIE S. b.m. (scratch) by Wayne Hal, C. Kebrich, Plymouth, N. H. Kebrich Red and Tan
2 SO BIG D b.g. (scratch) by Abbedale Snell, Agt. McFalls, Maine Snell Black
3 NICKDALE ch.g. by Single G. Simmons, Rockland, Maine Hall Red and Tan
4 CALUMET DENNISCISCO b.m. by Truax Robert Laundry, Biddeford, Me. Small Green
5 PETER SIMMONS b.g. by Count Dashoff Smith, Hallowell, Maine Smith
6 IDEAL BOY b.g. by Echo Todd Harry P. Clukey, Dexter, Me.
9th RACE
N. T. Fox Race
1 SUNDERLAND MAID b.m. by Dillon Volo, R. C. Grant, Greenfield, Mass. Grant Black and White
2 MIDGET MINE b.m. (scratch) by Pal O’Mine, Fred Rouillard, Newport, Maine Rouillard Red and
3 ROLLING ROCK b.m. by Peter Volo, A. N. Drake, Albion, Maine Drake Black
4 STAR HANOVER b.g. by Sandy Flash, Mrs. Gross, Auburn, Maine Hall Red and Tan
5 CARRIOCA b.g. by Pal O'Mine, Franz Simmons, Rockland, Maine Jordan Blue and White
6 PAL O'MINE JR. b.g by Pal O’Mine, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Lewiston, Me. McMinnemon Tan