Document type
Score Card
Old Orchard Beach 1 Mile Kite Track
Date of Race
Park Location
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
Event Type
Grand Circuit
Grand Circuit Meeting
Level of Description
Extent of the Unit of Description
2 pages
The second page of the score card for the Monday, July 26, 1937 Grand Circuit Meet at the Old Orchard Beach 1 Mile Kite Track, Maine. The meet was licensed under the supervision of the Maine State Racing Commission. The race card includes the field of horses for the Kite Track Pace and the 2.22 Class Pace, photographer Guy Kendall's handwritten notes on race finishes and changes in the race line ups.
Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, New England harness racing, Maine harness racing, horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races, Grand Circuit Meet
Rights and Access Note
Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.
Track Location
Grand Circuit Meet, Old Orchard, July 26, 1937
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
The second page of the score card for the Monday, July 26, 1937 Grand Circuit Meet at the Old Orchard Beach 1 Mile Kite Track, Maine. The meet was licensed under the supervision of the Maine State Racing Commission. The race card includes the field of horses for the Kite Track Pace and the 2.22 Class Pace, photographer Guy Kendall's handwritten notes on race finishes and changes in the race line ups.
Kite Track Pace
First Division Pacers with Records faster than 2.04
1 Dominion Grattan b h Oro Grattan-Minnie Bingen by Fritz Bingen Fair Oaks Farm, Lexington, Mass. Orange—Blue T. BERRY
2 Little Pat b g 1.59 1-2 Hollyrood Bob-Lottie Direct by Jimmie Direct --- Farm, Butler, Pa. Blue—Gold C. LACEY
3 Jane Azoff ch m 1.59 1-2 Azoff-Jane Todd 2.15 1/4 by Echo Todd H. T. Fulton, Upper Stewiac, Nova Scotia Red—White—Blue H. PARSHALL
4 Doctor H b g 1.59 3-4 Single G-Lady Tregantle 2.19 1/4 by Tregantle Mr. amd Mrs. T. A. Billingsley, Greenville, Ohio White—Green—Gold H. SHORT
5 Cardinal Prince b h 1.58 3-4 Peter Potempktn-Lillian S by Bingen Silk Hotel Baker Stables, St. Charles, Ill. Green—White S. PALIN
6 Running Water ro h 2.01 Guy Abbey-Rippling Water 2.06 1/4 Henry E Warwick, New Hamburg. N. Y. Green—White V. FLEMING
1 Amy Jane b m Highland Scott-Lena Directum Ira L. Terry, Jamaica, L. I. Red—White H. POWNALL
2 Mae Strader b m Spencer-Miss Jean 2.10 by Arion Guy Sullivan & Mawhinney, Machias, Me. Maroon—Gold H. CLUKEY
3 Tulsa Brewer b m Peter the Brewer-Tulsa Charles S. Williams, Kingsmountain, N. C. Blue—Gold C. HATCHELL
4 Directum J., Jr. b g Directum J-Patience Volo 2.11 J. Otis Fox, Jr., Putnam, Conn. Green A. McCARTHY
5 Nelly Direct b m Napoleon Direct-Nellie Chenault by Peter Chenault W. B. Eckert, Reading, Pa. Green—Orange H. GOODHART
6 Buddy Volo b g Charles Worthy-May Volo by Peter Volo D. E. Yates, Bellows Falls, Vt. Green—Yellow E. MORGAN
7 Buck Hanover b h The Great Volo-Iva Hanover 2.19 by Guy McKinney H. A. Toothaker, Somerville, Mass. Green C. MASON