Home > JOSIS > Vol. 2012 > No. 5 (2012)
Number 5 (2012)
Research Articles
Spatial reasoning with augmented points: Extending cardinal directions with local distances
Reinhard Moratz and Jan Oliver Wallgrün
Approaching the notion of place by contrast
Stephan Winter and Christian Freksa
The influence of landscape variation on landform categorization
Maia Williams, Werner Kuhn, and Marco Painho
Review Article
Geospatial images in the acquisition of spatial knowledge for wayfinding
Pyry Kettunen, Katja Irvankoski, Christina M. Krause, Tapani Sarjakoski, and L. Tiina Sarjakoski
Community Activity
Tutorial report: Understanding spatial thought through language use
Thora Tenbrink, Tommaso D'Odorico, Christoph Hertzberg, Güzin Mazman, Chiara Meneghetti, Nina Reshöft, and Jinlong Yang