GSBSE Podcast
The Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering (GSBSE) is a unique graduate program that includes the University of Maine as the degree granting institution and four additional cooperating academic and research institutions within Maine.
The GSBSE offers a Ph.D. in Biomedical Science, a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, and a Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Bioinformatics. Research Focus Areas of the program include Molecular and Cellular Biology, Bioinformatics & Genomics, Toxicology, Neuroscience, and Biomedical Engineering.
The Vision of the GSBSE is to train the next generation of Biomedical Scientists and Engineers to make fundamental discoveries and breakthroughs leading to significant scientific advancements and improvements in human health and wellbeing. By doing so, the GSBSE will be internationally recognized for the quality of its graduates and program.
Episode from 2019
Episode 1 : Jon Bomar, Jon Bomar
Episode 2 : Erin Carter, Erin Carter