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The College of Technology provided instruction in Mining Engineering (later dropped), Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Forestry (later known as Pulp and Paper Technology). The College offered Bachelor of Science Degrees and Associate of Science Degrees. In 1973, the College was renamed the College of Engineering and Science. In 1989, departments from the College of Engineering and Science and the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture merged with the College of Sciences, resulting in College name changes for the College of Engineering and the College of Applied Sciences and Agriculture. By the 1993-1993 academic year the College of Engineering and Science had split into the individual College of Engineering and College of Science.
The records include curricula, fliers and brochures regarding seminars and workshops as well as the program and course offerings of individual departments that were part of the College, directories and faculty lists, list of thesis titles, mission and goals statements, miscellaneous newspaper clippings, course catalogs, faculty meeting minutes, and accreditation records.
Publication Date
Education, Science and Technology
Size of Collection
4 boxes
Dates of Collection
1899-1988, bulk 1926-1988
Manuscript Number
UA RG 0006.006.007.001
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, "College Of Engineering & Science (University Of Maine) Records, 1899-1988" (2018). Finding Aids. Number 384.