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This research was undertaken in the mid-1970s by Anthony M. (Tony) Kaliss to provide supporting data for use as a part of the land claims suit by the Passamaquoddy and Penobscot Tribes. The suit has long been settled and the tribes were federally recognized. Both tribes had been recognized and dealt with continuously since at least the 1700s first by the Massachusetts colony, then by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a state and then the State of Maine when it separated from Massachusetts in 1820. This research focused entirely on financial relations. The purpose was to establish that there was a long and continuous financial relationship with the State of Maine and the show the purposes and monetary amounts involved.
Publication Date
Government and Law, Race and Gender
History | Indigenous Studies
Size of Collection
1 box
Dates of Collection
Manuscript Number
SpC MS 1764
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, "Kaliss (Anthony M.) Research Material, 1759-2013" (2018). Finding Aids. Number 376.