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In 1883, the Maine Board of Agriculture called for the establishment of a formal experiment station in Orono. With the support of state funds the Maine Fertilizer Control and Agricultural Experiment Station (later becoming the Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station). Eventually the Station would expand its research into genetics and breeding, entomology, forestry, food, potatoes, blueberries, and dairy. Such studies have been funded by both state and federal agriculture grants.
The records mainly contain textual information created and curated by the University of Maine's Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station. The record series Administrative Records includes: budget reports including spending estimates, requests, and actuals, various salary information for Station and College of Agriculture staff.
Publication Date
Education, Agriculture, Science and Technology
Agriculture | Animal Sciences | History
Size of Collection
11 boxes
Dates of Collection
1888-1987, bulk 1955-1972
Manuscript Number
UA RG 0006.007.004
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, "Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station (University Of Maine) Records, 1888-1987" (2018). Finding Aids. Number 372.