Legal Issues for Maine Educators
Legal Issues for Maine Educators is a synthesis of constitutional, statutory, and case law applicable to Maine public schools. With litigation on the rise, it is important for educators to be current and well versed on legal issues as they wrestle with making decisions and providing services that fulfill state and federal requirements, while meeting the needs of students, fellow educators, parents and advocates. Expanded and updates, this second edition covers more than 90 topics, with new sections on discrimination, use of school facility, No Child Left Behind and the 2005 Reauthorization of IDEA, among others. It provides both fast answers and in-depth analysis of current legal issues; each section begins with a "Quick Reference" section, which succinctly lists the most pertinent application of law. This is followed by "What the Law Says," a more detailed explanation of the issues. And finally, each section ends with "Authority," listing citations for the applicable statutes and cases. Complete and cross-referenced, Legal Issues for Maine Educators is designed to support busy practitioners. The cases in this book, which are included to illustrate legal issues, may not all be binding legal authority in Maine. They were chosen, however, to represent national trends on various issues. Readers should keep in mind that this text does not provide legal advice, nor is it a substitute for legal counsel when faced with potential litigation. Rather, it is designed to help educators recognize the legal implications imbedded within the issues they face every day, and to assist them in making legally defensible decisions that avoid the potential for litigation.
Publication Date
Omni Publishers
Bulverde, TX
Educational law and legislation, Maine
Educational Leadership
Recommended Citation
Hoff, Dianne and Diamond, Marcia, "Legal Issues for Maine Educators" (2005). Faculty and Staff Monograph Publications. 100.
Second edition