Photo Credit

George W Morse


library, public value, community benefit, storytelling, community development, advocacy


Communication | Interpersonal and Small Group Communication | Leadership Studies | Organizational Communication


Library Storytelling Team Guidebook, Paper 1 describes how a public library can organize a team to report its advocacy stories. Section 1 addresses the question, “Should we start a library storytelling project?” Changes in the public’s willingness to fund libraries and the changing roles of libraries in the 21st century are outlined. An overview of advocacy library stories and a team approach for an effective storytelling program follow. This section concludes with pointers to determine when it may not be appropriate to start this effort. Section 2 discusses the roles of the team members and when a consultant may be needed. Nearly 65% of the content has robust Appendices and a Glossary that provide sample agendas, a release form, a story review form, and other tools. These will save you time and the need to hire a consultant.

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Business & Community



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Library Storytelling Team Guidebook
