Explorations — A Journal of Research at the University of Maine was published by the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Maine from 1984 until 1991. With a circulation of 7,000, the journal reported on the research conducted by UMaine faculty and staff in the Liberal Arts and Sciences.


Submissions from 1991


Fall 1984 — Winter 1991 Explorations Index, Carole J. Bombard


Explorations, Vol. 6, No. 2, Carole J. Bombard, Nick Houtman, William H. Whitaker, Jean M. Andrews, Henry Munson Jr., Jamie Watler, Michael Palmer, Diane J. Garsombke, and Thomas W. Garsombke

Submissions from 1990


Explorations, Vol. 6, No. 1, Carole J. Bombard, George J. Mitchell, William S. Cohen, Gregory N. Brown, Daniel Belknap, Joseph Kelley, Mark E. Wood, William Duffy, Rebecca Smith, Andrew Walsh, Donald Robbins, Bradley W.B. Hay, Molly Horvath, Richard Hale, James Philip, Robert A. Strong, and Bret P. Vicary

Submissions from 1989


Explorations, Vol. 5, No. 2, Kathleen Lignell, Mary Beth Pinto, Susan White, James M. Acheson, Mary Lee, John Field, Eric Beenfeldt, Robert Shepard, and M. W. Blumenstock

Submissions from 1988


Explorations, Vol. 4, No. 2, Carole J. Bombard, Richard G. Emerick, James A. Sherburne, Robert Brinkley, Susan Grindel, Roberta Chester, Anne P. Sherblom, Charles E. Moody, Diane Carroll, and Barbara Barton


Explorations, Vol. 5, No. 1, Carole J. Bombard, Theresa M. Ferrari, Mary S. Bowie, Olive Dubord, Doris Cushman, Doris Manley, Nancy Coverstone, Ron Beard, Nadine B. Reimer, Jim Killacky, Deb Burwell, Wendy Pollack, Glen Koehler, James F. Dill, Patricia M. Pierson, Neal D. Hallee, Jane M. Kelly, Vaughn H. Holyoke, James D. Dwyer, Leigh S. Morrow, Stephen Belyea, Tom DeGomez, Benjamin A. Baxter, Catherine A. Elliott, Nellie Hedstrom, and Mahmoud El-Begearmi


Explorations, Vol. 4, No. 3, Carole J. Bombard, Mauri Pelto, Nancy E. Coverstone, William D. Lilley, Charles Gregory, Marcia Gauvin, Caellaigh Bennett Derosiers, Steven R. Dudgeon, Ian R. Davison, and Robert L. Vadas

Submissions from 1987


Explorations, Vol. 3, No. 2, MaryAnn Jerkofsky, David H. Clark, David Ebitz, Alan Davenport, David C. Smith, and Erodgan Kiran


Explorations, Vol. 4, No. 1, Victor Konrad, Lauren McKensey, Gregory White, Ken Norris, Lee-Ann Konrad, James J. Herlan, Kent Carter, Edgar McKay, Alice Stewart, Robert H. Babcock, Howard Cody, Edward D. Ives, Rand Erb, George K. Griner, Alan S. Kezis, James D. Leiby, and Victor Konrad


Explorations, Vol. 3, No. 3, Tim Lyden, John Muth, James Leiby, Kevin Scully, Jayalakshmi "Jaya" Krishnagopalan, Ivar H. Stockel, Peter Wagner, Luanne L. Peters, Mark W. Anderson, Judy C. Gates, Cheryl Waltz, Paula Quatromoni, Douglas Kellogg, Kimberly Dagher, and James Linehan

Submissions from 1986


Explorations, Vol. 3, No. 1, Michael R. Gross, David K. Vaughan, Marisue Pickering, Richard A. Hale, James F. Philip, Richard Jagels, and Detmar Schnitker


Explorations, Vol. 2, No. 3, Burton Hatlen, H. Y. Forsythe Jr., Howard B. Schonberger, Richard Cook, Robert Anderegg, Dennis A. Watkins, Julia M. Watkins, and Robert A. Strong


Explorations, Vol. 2, No. 2, Kathleen Lignell, Carole J. Bombard, David Dean, James A. Wilson, Robert S. Steneck, Les Watling, David K. Stevenson, Daniel F. Belknap, and Joseph T. Kelley

Submissions from 1985


Explorations, Vol. 2, No. 1, Linda J. Kling, Robert A. Cobb, Walter G. McIntire, Philip A. Pratt, Richard A. Cook, Merrill Elias, Michael Robbins, Peggy K. Schomaker, and R. D. Blake


Explorations, Vol. 1, No. 2, Jim I. Mead, Emilee M. Mead, Carol J. Bombard, Ronald B. Davis, and Marcella H. Sorg

Submissions from 1984


Explorations, Vol. 1, No. 1, R. D. Blake, Katherine Carter, David MacKinnon Ebitz, Carole J. Bombard, and Stephen A. Norton