Document Type
Grant Application
see attached
Project Period
FY 2011-2012
Event Sponsor
Cultural Affairs/ Distinguished Lecture Series
Project Abstract/ Summary
The DLS grant of $¡OOO funded most of the expenses of the visit of the keynote speaker, Dr. Sonya Michel, Professor of History, University of Maryland, College Park. V/hile here she gave two presentations. She also met informally with faculty and graduate students. "When I'm Sixty-Four: Old Age Security for Women in Historical Perspective" Monday, March 19,3:15 - 4:30 pm, Bangor Room, Memorial Union. This was co-sponsored by the History Dept. and served as the March event of its monthly series of visiting lecturers. (This determined the day and time.) 'All in the Family? W'omen and the Work of Care, Yesterday and Today" Tuesday, March 20, 9:30 - 10:45 am, Bangor Room, Memorial Union. This was planned at the time as two classes related to this topic were scheduled: WST 34O, Women and Globalization, and CHF 451, Family Relationships. (While it may seem that the connection to WST 34O is not clear, Dr. Michel talked about the cross-cultural differences in the work of care and currently the large percent of care workers in the U.S. who are immigrants.)
Repository Citation
Women in the Curriculum, "Women's History Celebration 2012 Report Form" (2011). Cultural Affairs Distinguished Lecture Series. 266.