This series includes various email updates, videos, and webpages with communications from the University of Maine Administration regarding COVID-19. The content was captured by the University Archivist, starting in March 2020.


Submissions from 2020


Office of Human Resources_Maine Hello Volunteering Email, University of Maine

Informal Virtual Town Hall Video_April 9, 2020, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Faye W. Gilbert, Robert Dana, Chris Lindstrom, Kody Varahramyan, Daniel Qualls, Fred Servello, Claire Strickland, Kimberly Whitehead, and David Townsend


COVID-19 Glossary of Terms, University of Maine

Getting to Tomorrow - Together Video, University of Maine Marketing and Communications

Informal Virtual Town Hall Video_March 19, 2020, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Faye W. Gilbert, Robert Dana, and Kody Varahramyan

UMaine-UMM Coronavirus Community Update Video, Joan Ferrini-Mundy


HR_COVID-19 - K-12 School and Daycare Closures, Chris Lindstrom

Campus Forum_Finishing Term Video, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, David Townsend, and Faye W. Gilbert


COVID-19 President_UMaine and UMM Community Health Update_March 10, 2020, Joan Ferrini-Mundy