Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Complex Entanglement of Conservation, Livelihood and Markets: Governance of the Sundarbans Mangrove in the Neoliberal Era, Mohammed Baten
Global Spatiotemporal Patterns of Pleistocene Large Mammal Extinction: Integrating the Evidence and Resolving the Contradictions, Nikhil Brocchini
Reconstructing the Paleotempestology Record From the Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center at Ponce, Puerto Rico, Karina Cortijo-Robles
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Snow Properties and Firn Volume Across the Juneau Icefield in Southeast Alaska, Mikaila Mannello
Gathering Understories: Issues of Access in the Allegheny Highlands, Dominic Piacentini
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Seabirds as Proxies for Past El Niño Events in Coastal Peru: An Archaeo-Ornithological Approach, Heather A. Landazuri
Giving Form to Flow: Modeling the Paleohydrological Context for Human Settlement and Water Use in the North-Central Coast of Peru, Elizabeth Leclerc
“Bacanora for Bats”: a Multispecies Ethnography in the Sonora-Arizona Borderlands, Sara Lowden
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Discards & Diverse Economies: Reuse in Rural Maine, Brieanne Berry
Examining Summertime Melt and Temperatures in the North Pacific Cordillera, Ingalise Kindstedt
Finding Comfort and Discomfort Through Foodways Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Public Folklore Project, Lucy M. Long, Jerry L. Reed, John Broadwell, Quinlan D. Odum, Hannah M. Santino, and Minglei Zhang
Submissions from 2020
“Still good life”: On the value of reuse and distributive labor in “depleted” rural Maine, Cindy Isenhour and Brieanne Berry
Submissions from 2019
Rummaging through the Attic of New England, Brieanne Berry, Jennifer Bonnet, and Cindy Isenhour
Linking Rural and Urban Circular Economies Through Reuse and Repair, Brieanne Berry and Cindy Isenhour
A 2000 Year Saharan Dust Event Record From a European Alps Ice Core, Heather Clifford
In Hot Water: A Multi-Level Analysis of Structure, Agency, and Adaptive Governance in Chile's Lake Region, Sarah Ebel
Climate Resilient Development and Discourse in the Peruvian Highlands, Jamie A. Haverkamp
Mechanisms of Ice Core Stable Isotope Variability in the Upper Kaskawulsh-Donjek Region, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada, Erin A. McConnell
Multi-level Governance of Climate Change Adaptation: United Nations Negotiations and Adaptation Project Implementation in Nicaragua and Samoa, Anna E. McGinn
Climate-Driven Migration: Prioritizing Cultural Resources Threatened by Secondary Impacts of Climate Change, Frankie St. Amand
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Investigations into the Advancement of Cryptotephra Geochemical Fingerprinting, Laura Hartman
Determining Season of Occupation at Tranquility Farm, Maine Using Oxygen Isotopes from Mya arenaria, Kate Pontbriand
Glacial History of the Tsagaan Gol- Potanin Glacier Valley, Altai Mountains, Mongolia, Mariah J. Radue
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Spatial Organization and Erosion at the Holmes Point West Archaeological Site, Machiasport, Maine, Kendra D. Bird
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A Comparison of Global Climate Reanalysis and Climate of South Greenland and the North Atlantic, Jeff Auger
The Human Dimensions of Pollinator Conservation : Perception, Practice, and Policy in the Lowbush Blueberry Industry, Kourtney K. Collum
Humans and the Falkland Islands Warrah: Investigating the origins of an extinct endemic canid, Catherine "Kit" M. Hamley
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Investigation of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Core Recorded Climate Change Using Ultra-High Resolution Sampling, Skylar Armstrong Haines
Tephra in Antarctic Ice Cores, Donna A. Kalteyer
Los Morteros: Early Monumentality and Environmental Change in the Lower Chao Valley, Northern Peruvian Coast, Ana Cecilia Mauricio Llonto
Fluvial Deposition, El Nino and Landscape Construction in Northern Coastal Peru, Paul M. Pluta
Reconstructing Late Holocene Hydrographic Variability of the Gulf of Maine, Nina Millicent Whitney
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Evaluating the Effect of a Changing Climate on Thermocline Depth in Maine's Great Ponds, Kelsey Boeff
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Maya Obsidian of the Three Rivers Region, Belize, Walter Isles Beckwith
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Huaca 20 Site in the Maranga Complex: Human-Environment Interactions, Household Activities, and Funerary Practices on the Central Coast of Peru, Ana Cecilia Mauricio Llonto
Climate, Environment, Geomorphology, and Settlement during the Preceramic Period at the Salinas de Chao, North Coast of Peru, Elizabeth Joy Olson
Paleoindian Aggregation Patterns in Northeastern North America: Analysis of the Bull Brook Site, Ipswich, Massachusetts, Jennifer C. Ort
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Ancient Diet in an Arid Environment: The View from Hinds Cave (41VV456), Samuel L. Belknap
Histological Contributions to Species Identification of Calcined Bone from the Bull Brook and Morrill Point Mound Archaeological Sites, Amber Sky Heller
Specialized Taphonomies in an Eastern Maine Shell Midden: Faunal Analysis of Site 62-8, Holmes Point West, Machias, Maine, Robert C. Ingraham
Terminus Changes of Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in Greenland: Environmental Controls and Links to Glacial Earthquakes, Kristin Meredith Schild
Energy Balance and Snow Melt on the Kahiltna Glacier, Central Alaska Range, Dominic Winski
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
¹ºBe Surface-Exposure Chronology of the Left-Lateral Moraines of the Former Pukaki Glacier Lobe in the Mackenzie Region, South Island, New Zealand, Samuel E. Kelley
A High Resolution Record of the Eemian Interglacial and Transition to the Next Glacial Period from Mount Moulton (West Antarctica), Elena Korotkikh
Characterization of Firn Microstructure Using Scanning Electron Microscopy: Implications for Physical Properties Measurements and Climate Reconstructions, Nicole Spaulding
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Geoarchaeological Investigations along the Tambo-Ilo Coast of Southern Peru, Louis Fortin
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Geologic and Biologic Indicators of Climate Change in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Audrey Bamberg
Climate Investigations Using Glaciochemical Records from a Tibetan Ice Core and a Fresh Snow Reconnaissance Study from Tierra del Fuego, Bjorn Grigholm
Marine Geoarchaeological Investigation of Damariscotta River, Maine, USA, Peter A. Leach
Satellite Remote Sensing of Arctic Glacier-Climate Interactions, William A. Sneed
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Geoarchaeological Investigations of the Waynuna Site and the Alca Obsidian Source, Peru, Kurt Rademaker
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Reconstructing the History of Reedy Glacier, Antarctica, Gordon R.M. Bromley
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Is MWP 1A Real and Could It have Originated in the Northern Hemisphere in Response to Bolling Warming, Sean D. Birkel
A 200-year Sulfate Record from 16 Antarctic Ice Cores and Associations with Southern Ocean Sea Ice Extent, Daniel A. Dixon
Climate Variability in West Antarctica Derived from Accumulation and Marine Aerosol Records from ITASE Firn/Ice Cores, Susan Kaspari
Paleoethnobotany at Stix and Leaves Pueblo (Site 5MT 11555), Colorado, Trisha Rude
Lake-Level Fluctuations in the Fryxell Basin, Eastern Taylor Valley, Antarctica, Thomas E. Whittaker
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
12,000-Year Record of Lake-Level and Vegetative Change at Mathews Pond, Piscataquis County, Maine, USA, Andrea Masterman Nurse
An Interhemispheric Comparison of the Recession of Mountain Glaciers in the Last 150 Years, Colby Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Growth Increment Analysis of Marine Bivalves from the North, Stephen D. Houk
Variability and Continuity between Paleoindian Assemblages in the Northeast: A Technological Approach, Edward Cyrus Moore
Surficial Geology and Geomorphology of the Western Olympus Range, Antarctica: Implications for Ice-sheet History, Brett VandenHeuvel
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Can a little ice age climate signal be detected in the southern alps of New Zealand?, Jessica L. Black
Late Maritime Woodland (Ceramic) and Paleoindian End Scrapers: Stone Tool Technology, Pamela J. Dickinson
Lithic Analysis of Chipped Stone Artifacts Recovered From Quebrada Jaguay, Peru, Benjamin R. Tanner
Submissions from 1991
Clues to Paleoindian Survival: Underwater caches my have supplied meat in winter, Kimberly Sawtelle
Mastodont Hair Gives Clues to Habitat, Kimberly Sawtelle
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Pattern and Variation in Prehistoric Lithic Resource Exploitation in the Passamaquoddy Bay Region, Charlotte County, New Brunswick, Anita L. Crotts