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This study of three Kennebec County towns - Randolph, Vassalboro, and Rome - is a part of the Northeast cooperative project titled "Community Services for Nonmetropolitan People in the Northeast," (Kuehn, 1977). In 1974 and 1975, researchers from nine university-related agricultural experiment stations, functioning as Northeast Regional Committee NE-77 conducted studies to determine variations in community services and reactions of residents to them.
It was originally hypothesized by the NE-77 researchers that in a study of the availability, use of, and satisfaction with services in the Northeast, counties would serve as the most useful unit of analysis. The utility of this approach is demonstrated in Kuehn (1977). In this report, however, the analysis is at the level of the town rather than the county. This course has been taken for two reasons. First, the county data for the region are well analyzed in Kuehn ( 1977) and it was our objective to provide data - in effect, case studies - for those with a particular interest in small New England communities. Secondly, as recognized by community scholars and the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the town is the effective legal, political, and social unit in New England; therefore, it was deemed appropriate to provide the data at the town level.
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Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication
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Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station
Small town community services
Regional Economics
Recommended Citation
Ploch, Louis A.. 1978. B750: Community Services in Randolph, Vassalboro, and Rome, Maine. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, Life Sciences and Agriculture Experiment Station Bulletins 750.