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The importance of forest land as the medium for wood fiber production has been recognized for some time. Recent developments and trends show that another function of this same forest land is that of providing a playground for millions of outdoor recreationists. This phenomenon has affected some areas to such an extent that certain forest lands are now considered to be more valuable as sources of outdoor recreation than as wood fiber production units. This bulletin presents a plan for landowners of a 90,000-acre tract of commercial forest land located midway between Bangor and Calais, Maine, in Washington County, to more completely utilize the recreational resource. In addition, it is proposed that the service provided would be such that an income could be expected in the form of a recreation use fee. It is not the intent of this report to advocate the allocation of 90,000 acres of commercial forest land for recreation pursuits alone. Rather, it is an attempt to illustrate the fact that the intensive recreational use of an area removes little land from timber production and increases the total satisfaction that may be realized from a specific tract of forest land.
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Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication
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Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
Outdoor recreation, land use, Maine, Washington County
Forest Management | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration
Recommended Citation
Bowen Jr., A.T. 1963. A plan for the recreational development of the Machias Lakes region in Washington County, Maine. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 614.