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This document presents objectives and results of the Field Appraisal of Resource Management Systems (FARMS) study'S second year. The principal objectives of FARMS were to study the relationship of crop yields to soil erosion and to simulate the economic nature of this relationship. Crop management, soils, conservation practices and management, crop yields, soil chemistry, and sociological data were collected from 800 plots in 1981. This report presents statistics for rill and sheet soil erosion, which are estimated by the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and assumed to represent a long-term rather than short-term effect. The report also presents summary statistics for each of the factors in the USLE: for potato yields and quality, for yields of six other field crops, and for soil nutrient analyses. No general response of potato yield and quality to predicted soil erosion was found. However, individual potato varieties responded differently to predicted soil erosion. Potato yields and specific gravity were found to be significantly related to the Cover and Management factor (C). Potato yield was found to decrease as intensity of potato production increased in the rotation period. Potato yields were significantly reduced when the previous crop was potatoes in comparison to grain or hay.
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Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
Field Appraisal of Resource Management Systems, soil erosion
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Hepler, P.R., L.H. Long, K.J. LaFlamme, and J.H. Wenderoth. 1984. Field appraisal of resource management systems: Crop yield and quality relationships with soil erosion—1981. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 805.