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In merchandising tests conducted in three supermarkets located in Portland, Maine, sales of large, Grade A eggs were increased an average of 16 per cent using transparent plastic egg cartons. Total eggs sales in the stores were increased 11 per cent. The experiment involved testing two types of egg cartons—a completely transparent carton made of clear plastic, and a windowed carton with partial visibility through the top of the carton. A standard 2 x 6, cardboard carton with no visibility—the one regularly used by the supermarkets—was used as a control throughout the tests. In two of the cooperating stores egg sales per 100 customers in the plastic carton exceeded those in the carton regularly used in the stores by 25 and 26 per cent. In the other store the sale of eggs in plastic cartons per 100 customers was less than sales in the regular carton by 7 per cent. Overall egg sales in the windowed cartons were slightly less than those in the regular solid top carton. The findings from this study indicate that consumers preferred eggs in transparent cartons which allow complete visibility of the entire contents of the package, and that the use of transparent cartons for displaying eggs in supermarkets resulted in increased egg sales in the short-run. Transparent cartons are available now at a cost which would permit retailers to use them for marketing a premium quality egg, and for promoting egg sales in their stores.
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Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
egg sales, plastic egg cartons
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Recommended Citation
Saunders, R. 1956. Transparent plastic cartons boost egg sales. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 547.