Pauleena MacDougall

Pauleena MacDougall



Pauleena MacDougall is the Director of The Maine Folklife Center. She received her Ph.D. in American History from the University of Maine in 1995 and has worked for the Maine Folklife Center since 1989. She is also faculty associate in Anthropology, where she teaches courses in linguistics and Native American history, and in the Department of History, as well as a Cooperating Research Associate in the Lobster Institute. Since 1979, MacDougall has published numerous papers on Penobscot Indian language, culture and history. She is editor of Northeast Folklore and author of The Penobscot Dance of Resistance: Tradition in the History of a People, published in 2004 by the University of New England Press. She is currently writing a biography of Fannie Hardy Eckstorm.


Director, The Maine Folklife Center, professor, “Life on the Farm in the Old Days”, University of Maine, The Penobscot Dance of Resistance: Tradition in the History of a People, Northeast Folklore, Penobscot Indian, Lobster Institute


Ethnomusicology | Folklore | Oral History

Pauleena MacDougall
