Pamela Dean
Pamela Dean received her BA and MA in history form the University of Maine and her PhD in history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to returning home to Maine in 2000, Dean was the director of the Williams Center for Oral History at Louisiana State University. She was the Maine Folklife Center’s archivist for ten years. She is a long-time member of the Oral History Association and her interests include women’s history and radio documentaries that use oral history materials.
University of Maine, Maine Folklife Center, The First Manure-Pitch”, archivist, Oral History Association
Folklore | Oral History
Recommended Citation
Dean, Pamela, "Pamela Dean" (2012). Maine Song and Story Sampler Collectors. 19.
Works Collected
“The First Manure-Pitch” by Mort Mather.