Joseph Walsh
Joseph Walsh, as a young man, worked in the woods for many years all around the Northeast. He worked in Maine (and within Maine he covered a fair share of the state from Gilead to Millinocket), New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. He learned many songs in the woods, but also from friends in his home province of Prince Edward Island. Later, owned a farm in Morrell Rear, on the east end of PEI. Walsh sang a number of songs for Ives, including some about the lumberwoods, sea songs, and local compositions by Lawrence Doyle, a woods balladeer from PEI. Joseph Walsh passed away in a house fire in 1975.
Date of Death:
woods, Maine, "The Teamster in Jack MacDonald’s Crew", New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Sandy Ives, singer
Ethnomusicology | Folklore | Oral History
Recommended Citation
Walsh, Joseph, "Joseph Walsh" (2012). Maine Song and Story Sampler Artists. 24.
Morrell Rear, Prince Edward Island

“The Teamster in Jack MacDonald’s Crew” collected by Sandy Ives.