Document type

Score Card


Rockingham Park


Rockingham Park

Date of Race


Park Location

Salem, N.H.

Event Type



Grand Circuit Meet



Level of Description


Extent of the Unit of Description

6 pages


Official Score Card of the Saturday, August 12, 1933 Grand Circuit Meet at Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H. The score card also includes information about the betting process at the track, a list of the race officials for the day and Kendall's handwritten notations about race finishes.

On April 23, 1933, gambling on harness racing was first legalized in the State of New Hampshire. Rockingham Park opened for New England's first racing series with legalized gambling on June 21, 1933. On July 27, Grand Circuit Harness Racing returned to Rockingham Park with a 16-day meet.


Official Score Card
Rockingham Park, Salem, N. H.
Saturday, August 12, 1933


STEVE G. PHILLIPS - - - - Xenia, Ohio

JOSEPH M. McGRAW - Washington Pa.
JAMES F. YOUNG - - - - - Quincy, Mass.
CHARLES B. STICKNEY - - - Nashua, N.H.

DR. J. T. McGLYNN - Brookline, Mass.
DR. GUY E. CHESLEY - - - Rochester, N.H.
HARVEY COHN - - - - - Hanover, N.H.

Clerk of Course
JOHN H. GILBODY - - - Winchester, Mass.

Program Service
FRANK G. TROTT - - - Winchester, Mass.

General Manager and Treasurer
ALLAN J. WILSON - - - Boston, Mass.

Classified Purse $150

1 JAMAICA, b.f. Mr. McElwyn—Mattie Gilchrist By Siliko J.F. Lyle, Plainfield, N.J. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

2 BLACK MARIA, blk.m. Peter Scott—Peggy Axworthy By Ortolan Axworthy W.D. Blood, New York GREY-RED W. GARRISON

3 TIDY, b.m. Lee Tide—Not Given Mrs. B. Levine, Providence, R.I. BLUE R. NICKERSON

4 MOONLIGHT EXPRESS, b.m. Atlantic Express—The Gloaming By Moko Henry Parsons, Gloucester, Mass. GREEN-GOLD W. CARNEY

5 MISS MACTYRE, br.m. McGregor The Great—Silk Milroi By Milroi Harry W. Litchfield, Lexington, Mass. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

6 LEM BUNTER, br.g. Bunter—Willena Chenault By Peter Chenault Frank M. Burke, Byfield, Mass. BLUE-GOLD F.BURKE

7 CALUMET CINCINNATI, b.g. Peter The Brewer—Queen Brooke By Justice Brooke James F. Young, Quincy, Mass. BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

8 CHOW MEIN, b.g. Nelson Dillon—Chop Suey By Lord Dewey John Lovell, Watertown, Mass. BLACK-WHITE T. ACKERMAN

9 SIGNAL GIRL, b.m. Signal Peter—Lettie Guy By Guy Axworthy W.J. McDonald, Boston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD G. MCDONALD

10 GLENDOWER LEE, b.h. McGregor The Great—Gaiety Guy By Guy Axworthy A. Furbush, Allston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. MCDONALD

11 CALUMET DIGNITY, b.f. Belwin—Laura Graves By Guy Axworthy F.W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. BLACK W. GIBBONS

Classified Purse $150

1 EFFIE HALL, br.m. The Laurel Hall—-Effie Middleton By Lord Roberts Chas. Murray, Bangor, Me. GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

2 MARGARET VONIAN,b.m. Favonian—Margaret C. Brooke By Baron Brooke J.E. Crosbie, Tulsa, Okla. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

3 COUNCILLOR, b.h. Peter Volo—Ettawana By Guy Axworthy J.P. Gaines, Sherburne, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V.FLEMING

4 NATE VOLO, br.g. Dillon Volo—Native Girl By Malcolm Forbes W.P. White, Lawrence, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. FORCIER

5 CRUSADER, ch.g. Arion Guy—Azie Bing By Azoff W.H. Keys,S kowhegan, Maine BROWN-BLACK W. KEYS

6 MARGART'S SON, b.h. (scratch) Kalmuck—Margaret Dillon George W. Manning, Mattapan, Mass. ORANGE-BLACK C. MARSHALL

7 WALTER PATCH, b.g. Walter Cochato—Maud By Indiana Dan Patch Dr. George Nickerson, Houlton, Me. BLACK-WHITE C.MASON

8 CHRISTIAN EMMA GREAT, b.m. W.G. Forbes—Emma Great By Peter The Great W.F. Caton,Syracuse,N.Y. GREY-RED W.CATON

9 FOREST GUY, b.g. David Guy—Eugenia DeForest By The DeForest Walter H. Bird, Revere, Mass. BLUE C.LACEY

Classified Purse $150

1 JAMAICA, b.f. Mr. McElwyn—Mattie Gilchrist By Siliko J.F. Lyle, Plainfield, N.J. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

2 MISS MACTYRE, br.m. McGregor The Great—Silk Milroi By Milroi Harry W. Litchfield, Lexington, Mass. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

3 MOONLIGHT EXPRESS, b.m. Atlantic Express—TheG loaming By Moko Henry Parsons, Gloucester, Mass. GREEN-GOLD W. CARNEY

4 CALUMET CINCINNATI, b.g. Peter The Brewer—Queen Brooke By Justice Brooke James F. Young, Quincy, Mass. BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

5 BLACK MARIA, blk.m. Peter Scott—Peggy Axworthy By Ortolan Axworthy W.D. Blood, New York GREY-RED W. GARRISON

6 SIGNALGIRL,b.m. Signal Peter—Lettie Guy By Guy Axworthy W.J. McDonald, Boston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD G. MCDONALD

7 GLENDOWER LEE, b.h. McGregor The Great—Gaiety Guy By Guy Axworthy A. Furbush, Allston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. MCDONALD

8 TIDY, b.m. LeeTide—NotGiven Mrs.B.Levine,Providence,R.I. BLUER.NICKERSON

9 CALUMET DIGNITY, b.f. Belwin—Laura Graves By Guy Axworthy F.W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. BLACK W. GIBBONS

10 LEM BUNTER, br.g. Bunter—Willena Chenault By Peter Chenault Frank M. Burke, Byfield, Mass. BLUE-GOLD F. BURKE

11 CHOW MEIN, b.g. Nelson Dillon—Chop Suey By Lord Dewey John Lovell, Watertown, Mass. BLACK-WHITE T. ACKERMAN

Classified Purse $150

1 COUNCILLOR, b.h. Peter Volo—Ettawana By Guy Axworthy J.P. Gaines, Sherburne, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

2 FOREST GUY, b.g. David Guy—Eugenia DeForest By The DeForest Walter H. Bird, Revere, Mass. BLUE C.LACEY

3 WALTER PATCH, b.g. Walter Cochato—Maud By Indiana Dan Patch Dr.George Nickerson, Houlton, Me. BLACK-WHITE C. MASON

4 CRUSADER, ch.g. Arion Guy—Azie Bing By Azoff W.H. Keys, Skowhegan, Maine BROWN-BLACK W. KEYS

5 CHRISTAIN EMMA GREAT, b.m. W.G. Forbes—Emma Great By Peter The Great W.F. Caton, Syracuse, N.Y. GREY-RED W. CATON

6 EFFIE HALL, br.m. The Laurel Hall—Effie Middleton By Lord Roberts Chas. Murray, Bangor, Me. GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

7 MARGARET VONIAN, b.m. Favonian—Margaret C. Brooke By Baron Brooke J.E. Crosbie, Tulsa, Okla. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

8 NATE VOLO, br.g. Dillon Volo—Native Girl By Malcolm Forbes W.P. White, Lawrence, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. FORCIER

9 MARGARET’S SON, b.h. Kalmuck—Margaret Dillon George W. Manning, Mattapan, Mass. ORANGE-BLACK C. MARSHALL

Handicap Purse $150

1 EASTER LILY, b.m. Scratch Martinos—Emma The Great By Caduceus The Great BLACK-WHITE C. MASON

2 NEWBROOKE VOLO, b.h. Scr’t Peter Volo—Leevasia, By Lee Tide John Breslin, Brooklyn, N.Y. RED-BLACK C. HOWARD

3 HARRY LAUDER, b.g. Scratch Count Daschoff-—Queen Castle By Tommy Finch Walter H. Bird, Revere, Mass. BLUE C. LACEY

4 BOBBY EARL, ch.g. 40ft. Bonnie Earl—Barona Princess By Sidney Prince Thomas Ashworth, Charlton City, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

5 NOON, blk.h., 40ft. Day Star—Lees Dawn By Lee Axworthy George L. Weiss, Cambridge, Mass. GREEN-RED W. HODSON

6 GUY THE TRAMP, b.g. 90ft. Jerry Harvester—Miss Trampfast By Trampfast W.C. Crummer, Columbus,Ohio GREEN-RED C. MABREY

7 MAT D., b.g. 90ft. Joe Wilson—-Dell Pluto By Peter Pluto P.J. Downey, Worcester, Mass. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

8 LEE STORM, b.g 90ft. Lee Tide—Harvest Gale, By The Harvester Gerling Bros., Milwaukee,Wis. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

9 SAMPSON HAL, b.h. Scratch Napoleon Direct—Anna Hal By John A. W.T. Crozier, Agent, Hartford, Conn. GREEN J. HANAFIN

Classified Purse $200

1 VOLO YORKE, br.g. Peter Volo—Miss Yorke By Moko I.D. Woodruff, Suffeld, Conn. BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

2 BRAY STOUT, ch.h. Chestnut Peter—Alix Stout By El Canto Ross F.Stout & Bros. Clarksburg, W.Va. RED R. STOUT

3 SIR GUY MAC, ch.h. McGregor The Great—Azurea By Guy Axworthy Mrs. Charles P. Adams, Framingham, GREEN H. CAMERON

4 NEW BROOKE, b.g. Guy Axworthy—Carlisle Chenault By Peter Chenault H.F. Farrington, Lowville, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

5 UNASIGNAL, b.m. Signal Peter—Una Bingen By Bingen Gerling Bros., Milwaukee, Wis. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

6 HOLLYROOD ROMAN, br.g. Great Britton—Sara Kelly By Peter Volo J.D. Welsh Estate, Kansas City, Mo. GREY-BLACK M. CHILDS

7 CALUMET ANNE, ro.m. Peter The Brewer—Hollyrood Maggie By Joe Dodge I.W. Gleason, Williamsport, Pa. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

8 CALUMET CLIMATIC, b.h. Peter The Brewer—Lotta Watts By General Watts George P. McDonald, Beverly, Mass. GREEN-BLACK T. ACKERMAN

Handicap Purse $150

1 EASTER LILY, b.m. Scratch Martinos—Emma The Great By Caduceus The Great BLACK-WHITE C. MASON

2 NEWBROOKE VOLO, b.h.Scr Peter Volo—Leevasia, By Lee Tide John Breslin, Brooklyn, N.Y. RED-BLACK C. HOWARD

3 HARRY LAUDER, b.g. Scratch Count Daschoff—Queen Castle By Tommy Finch Walter H. Bird, Revere, Mass. BLUE. C. LACEY

4 BOBBY EARL, ch.g. 40ft. Bonnie Earl—Barona Princess By Sidney Prince Thomas Ashworth, Charlton City, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

5 NOON, blk.h. 40ft. Day Star—Lees Dawn By Dee Axworthy George L. Weiss, Cambridge, Mass. GREEN-RED W. HODSON

6 GUY THE TRAMP, b.g. 90ft. Jerry Harvester—Miss Trampfast By Trampfast W.C. Crummer, Columbus, Ohio GREEN-RED C. MABREY

7 MAT D.,b.g. 90ft. Joe Wilson—Dell Pluto By Peter Pluto P.J. Downey, Worcester, Mass. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

8 LEE STORM, b.g. 90ft. Lee Tide—Harvest Gale By The Harvester Gerling Bros. Milwaukee, Wis. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

9 SAMPSON HAL, b.h. Scratch Napoleon Direct—Anna Hal By John A. W.T. Crozier, Agent, Hartford, Conn. GREEN J. HANAFIN

Classified Purse $200

1 BRAY STOUT, ch.h. Chestnut Peter—Alix Stout By El Canto Ross F. Stout & Bros., Clarksburg, W. Va. RED R.STOUT

2 NEWBROOKE, b.g. Guy Axworthy—Carlisle Chenault By Peter Chenault H.F. Farrington, Lowville, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

3 VOLO YORKE, br.g. Peter Volo—Miss Yorke By Moko I.D. Woodruff, Suffield, Conn. RED-BLACK H.BRUSIE

4 HOLLYROOD ROMAN, br.g. Great Britton—Sara Kelly By Peter Volo J.D. Welsh Estate, Kansas City, Mo. GREY-BLACK M. CHILDS

5 UNA SIGNAL, b.m. Signal Peter—Una Bingen By Bingen Gerling Bros., Milwaukee, Wis. RED-WHITE-BLUE H. PARSHALL

6 SIR GUY MAC,ch.h. McGregor The Great—Azurea By Guy Axworthy Mrs. Charles F. Adams, Framingham GREEN F.CAMERON

7 CALUMETANNE, ro.m. Peter The Brewer—Hollyrood Maggie By Joe Dodge I.W. Gleason, Williamsport, Pa. BLACK-WHITE E. PITMAN

8 CALUMET CLIMATIC, b.h. Peter The Brewer—Lotta Watts By General Watts George P. McDonald, Beverly, Mass. GREEN-BLACK T. ACKERMAN

Classified Purse $150

1 BEST, ch.h. Arion Guy—Tules By San Francisco Walter E. Newbert, Boston, Mass. RED-BLACK A. RODNEY

2 TONDONELA STOUT, b.g. Todd Stout—Blanche Carter By Lord Roberts Ross F.Stout & Bros. Clarksburg, W.Va. RED R. STOUT

3 CALUMET DERBY, b.g. Peter The Brewer—Queen Brooke By Justice Brooke Dr.George Hanna, Bethel, Conn. BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

4 VALOR, b.g. Peter Volo—Voici By Belwin Vic Fleming Stable, Syracuse, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

5 FANNY VOLO, b.m. Peter Volo—Frances Tipton By San Francisco Charles Sheehan, Bangor, Me. GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

6 ALVIN GUY, b.g. Arion Guy—Hollyrood Queen By Hollyrood Bob Joseph Bolduc, New Bedford, Mass. BLACK-RED J. BOLDUC

7 PYRAMUS, b.g. Worthy Peter—Adele S. Dillon By Dillon Axworthy John Hanafin, Kingston, RI. GREEN J. HANAFIN

8 MARIANNA, b.f. Peter Volo—Tonia Watts By General Watts H. Stacey Smith, Newark, N.J. GREEN-RED W. HODSON

9 JOHN ROWLAND, b.g. The Senator—-Fan Patch By Joe Patchen J.B. McDonald, Gloucester, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. CARNEY

10 GAY PETER,b.h. Chestnut Peter—Gay Lass By Moko F.C. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. BROWN-BLACK W. KEYS

11 CALUMET CALCUTTA, br.h. Truax—Betty The Great By Peter The Great I.D. Woodruff, Suffield, Conn. BROWN L. BRUSIE

Classified Purse $150

1 TIDEMARK, br.g. Lee Tide—Wiltena By Rhinelander W.P. White, Lawrence, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. FORCIER

2 CALUMET AMORET, br.h. Belwin—Bingen’s Daughter By Bingen Fred C. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. BROWN W.KEYS

3 PETER WATTS, b.g. Sir Douglas Haig—Aria A. Watts By General Watts Joseph Gendron, Dudley, Mass. BLACK-GREEN J. GENDRON

4 PLUCKY PLUTO, ch.g. Peter Pluto—Marie S. By Yale Bells Chas. Sheahan, Bangor, Maine GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

5 BETTY SUNSHINE, b.m. Dillon Axworthy—Bisa By Bingara Mrs. Bessie Levine, Providence, R.I. BROWN R. NICKERSON

6 YOCKEN MEIN,blk.g. Nelson Dillon—Chop Suey By Lord Dewey W.J. McDonald, Boston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. MCDONALD

7 CZAR FRISCO, b.g. Czar Peter—Frisco Great By San Francisco Fred W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. BLACK W. GIBBONS

8 CALUMET DIRECTOR, b.g. Guy Abbey—Bahai By Siliko J.J. Roberts, Worcester, Mass. BLACK-RED H.BRUSIE

9 MISS HATFIELD, b.m. Nelson Dillon—Omella By San Francisco C.W. Knibbs, Providence, R.I. GREEN-BLACK J. HANAFIN

Classified Purse $150

1 TONDONELA STOUT, b.g. Todd Stout—Blanche Carter By Lord Roberts Ross F. Stout & Bros., Clarksburg, W.Va. RED R. STOUT

2 PYRAMUS, b.g. Worthy Peter—Adele S. Dillon Dillon Axworthy John Hanafin, Kingston, R.I. GREEN J. HANAFIN

3 CALUMET DERBY, b.g. Peter The Brewer—Queen Brooke By Justice Brooke Dr. George Hanna, Bethel, Conn. BLACK-RED H.BRUSIE

4 BEST, ch.h. Arion Guy—Tules By San Francisco Walter E. Newbert, Boston, Mass. RED-BLACK A. RODNEY

5 VALOR, b.g. Peter Volo—Voici By Belwin Vic Fleming Stable, Syracuse, N.Y. GREEN-WHITE V. FLEMING

6 GAYPETER, b.h. Chestnut Peter—Gay Lass By Moko F.C. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. BROWN-BLACK W. KEYS

7 JOHN ROWLAND,b.g. The Senator—Fan Patch By Joe Patchen J.B. McDonald, Gloucester, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. CARNEY

8 MARIANNA, b.f. Peter Volo—Tonia Watts By General Watts H. Stacey Smith, Newark, N.J. GREEN-RED W. HODSON

9 ALVIN GUY, b.g. Arion Guy—Hollyrood Queen By Hollyrood Bob Joseph Bolduc, New Bedford, Mass. BLACK-RED J. BOLDUC

10 FANNY VOLO, b.m. Peter Volo—Frances Tipton By San Francisco Charles Sheehan, Bangor, Me. GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

11 CALUMET CALCUTTA, br.h. Truax—-Betty the Great By Peter the Great I.D. Woodruff, Suffield, Conn. BROWN L. BRUSIE.

Against Time
JOAN BUNTER, br.f. Bunter—Lady Richmond By Peter Chenault
W.D. Blood, New York
To Beat 2.13 1/4

GLEAM, b.c. Peter Volo—-Cecilia By Guy Axworthy
W.D. Blood, New York
To Beat 2.29 1/4

Classified Purse $150

1 BETTY SUNSHINE, b.m. Dillon Axworthy—Bisa By Bingara Mrs. Bessie Levine, Providence, R.I. BROWN R. NICKERSON

2 PETER WATTS, b.g. Sir Douglas Haig—Aria A. Watts By General Watts Joseph Gendron, Dudley, Mass. BLACK-GREEN J. GENDRON

3 CALUMET AMORET, br.h. Belwin—Bingen’s Daughter By Bingen Fred C. Pooler, Skowhegan, Me. BROWN W.KEYS

4 CZAR FRISCO, b.g. Czar Peter—Frisco Great By San Francisco Fred W. Woodman, Haverhill, Mass. BLACK W. GIBBONS

5 YOCKEN MEIN, blk.g. Nelson Dillon—Chop Suey By Lord Dewey W.J. McDonald, Boston, Mass. BLUE-GOLD W. MCDONALD

6 MISS HATFIELD, b.m. Nelson Dillon—Omella By San Francisco C.W. Knibbs, Providence, R.I. GREEN-BLACK J. HANAFIN

7 PLUCKY PLUTO, ch.g. Peter Pluto—Marie S. By Yale Bells Chas. Sheahan, Bangor, Maine GREEN-YELLOW P. CHAPPELLE

8 CALUMET DIRECTOR, b.g. Guy Abbey—Bahai By Siliko J.J. Roberts, Worcester, Mass. BLACK-RED H. BRUSIE

9 TIDEMARK, br.g. Lee Tide--Wiltena By Rhinelander W.P. White, Lawrence, Mass. BLACK-WHITE E. FORCIER


Standardbred horses, American Standardbred racehorses, Grand Circuit, Rockingham Park, New Hampshire harness racing, New Hampshire horse racing, Sulky racing, Trotting races, New England harness racing

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Rights assessment remains the responsibility of the researcher. No known restrictions on publication. For information about the process and fees for obtaining higher resolution scans or another file format, contact Special Collections.


Track Location

Aug 12th, 12:00 AM

Grand Circuit Meet, August 12, 1933

Salem, N.H.

Official Score Card of the Saturday, August 12, 1933 Grand Circuit Meet at Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H. The score card also includes information about the betting process at the track, a list of the race officials for the day and Kendall's handwritten notations about race finishes.

On April 23, 1933, gambling on harness racing was first legalized in the State of New Hampshire. Rockingham Park opened for New England's first racing series with legalized gambling on June 21, 1933. On July 27, Grand Circuit Harness Racing returned to Rockingham Park with a 16-day meet.

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No Known Copyright

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