Document Type

Honors Thesis


Secondary Education


Rebecca Buchanan

Committee Members

Tammy Mills, Vanessa Klein

Graduation Year

May 2024

Publication Date

Spring 5-2024


Summative and Formative assessments are essential aspects of education and have been for many years (Guskey, 2005). The use of assessments helps educators check in with students to see where they fall in terms of understanding content and where they could use additional help. Formative assessments are used more to assess students' understanding as they learn the topic (Bloom et al., 1971). In contrast, summative assessments represent the student's mastery of the topic. This text explores and examines a form of summative assessment that uses something other than what has been determined to be the traditional assessment tools, such as quizzes, exams, and tests. These types of assessments are of interest because they ask the students to use the information they learned and apply it to the real world in some way, thus enabling them to use their mastery of the topic to connect real-world issues. This text examines and explores the creation and impact of a non-traditional assessment based on a STEM course and how that impacted the role of education for students, the educator, and a student of higher education.
