Document Type



David E. Yarborough


University of Maine

Publication Date

Winter 2006

Publisher location

Orono, ME

Abstract/ Summary

1. Evaluation of Emerging Disinfections Technologies for Wild Blueberry Processing

1A. Incorporation of wild blueberry puree into a soy-based burger and its effect on sensory and chemical properties of the broiled burgers.

2. Incorporation of wild blueberry puree into a soy-based burger and its effect on sensory and chemical properties of the broiled burgers

3. Wild blueberries and Arterial Functional Properties

4. Practical Microbial Control Approach and Antimicrobial Properties Study for Wild Blueberries

5. Wild Blueberries Reduce Risks for Cardiovascular Disease –No Report at this time, data is still under analysis.

6. Irrigation Water Use in Wild Blueberry Production

7. Control Tactics for Blueberry Pest Insects, 2005

8. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, 2005

9. Control Tactics for Blueberry Pest Insects, 2005

10. The Effect of Fungicides and Cultural Treatments on Monilinia Blight, Yield and Post-Harvest Disease in Wild Blueberries

11. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake.

12. Effect of Manganese on Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberry

13. Raising Foliar Nitrogen by Application of CoRoN™

14. Effects of Summer Foliar Fertilization to Increase Branch Length and Flower Bud Formation in the Prune Year

15. Assessment of Hexazinone Alternatives for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries and Field Cover Program Base

16. Evaluation of Fall Applications of Tribenuron Methyl for Bunchberry Control in Wild Blueberries

17. Evaluation of spot treatments of Tribenuron Methyl for weed control in Wild Blueberries

18. Evaluation and Demonstration of Techniques for Filling in Bare Spots in Wild Blueberry Fields.

19. Assessment of Evitol and Kerb for Sedge Control in Wild Blueberries.

20. Wild Blueberry Extension Education Program in 2005

21. Cultural Weed Management Using pH

22. Evaluation and Demonstration of Backpack and ATV Mist sprayers

23. Demonstration of Spot Treatment for Control of Blueberry Maggot Fly Using Mist Sprayer and Grid Trapping, 2005


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