Methodology for Researching PFAS Uptake in Cropping Systems

Alexandra E. Scearce MS, University of Maine
Gemma Perretta Scott MEd, University of Maine
Rachel E. Schattman PhD, University of Maine

Funding for this project came from the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at UMaine. Greenhouse and field experiments were supported by American Farmland Trust, Maine Farmland Trust, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, and USDA-NIFA Hatch Project number ME0-022332 through the Maine Agricultural & Forest Experiment Station.

Thank you to the Hunter Family, Kylie Holt, Sandesh Thapa, Dr. Ling Li, Dr. Yongjiang Zhang, Dr. Jean MacRae, CITL at UMaine, Maine Agricultural and Forest and Experimental Station, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, American Farmland Trust, and Maine Farmland Trust.

These videos document the methodology of the PFAS uptake experiment. The full peer-reviewed research is in prep.

Abstract/ Summary

This collection of videos documents the process of our investigation of the uptake of PFAS into three crops: lettuce (Lactuca sativa), tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in a paired greenhouse and field experiment. In the broader scientific literature, PFAS studies on crops show large variation in Transfer Factors, even for crops of the same type. Simultaneously navigating a host of soil, plant, and abiotic factors that influence crop uptake of PFAS, we also deal with differences in methodology, which is something in our control as PFAS researchers. These videos share the methods our team used to conduct our research. While acknowledging that some of our choices in methodology limited our research, our hope is that sharing our process helps improve future research and provides greater context for findings from our paired greenhouse and field study.


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