Building Resilience in Rural Communities through Strong Schools – RiSE Center Programs to Counter Teacher Isolation and Teacher Turnover, and Improve Student Engagement and Learning in the STEM Disciplines
In Maine’s rural communities, schools play a particularly important, central role. They bring students together to learn, grow, and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to support their hometowns in the future. Schools are also often the gathering place for families and other community members. Rural teachers are more likely to face professional isolation, high turnover and unfilled positions in school staff and administration, and difficulties arising from the economic challenges of their communities. Through funding from the National Science Foundation, the Maine Department of Education, rural school districts, and private donations, the RiSE Center works to support and retain teachers in subjects of particular need, the STEM fields. It has successfully developed communities of practice, co-designed with new and experienced teachers, across multiple rural districts. The RiSE Teaching Fellowship Program, based upon a model developed with funding from the NSF Noyce Program (NSF Award #1557320), has helped keep graduates of Maine teacher preparation programs teaching in Maine and in high-need districts. Over 85% of program participants have stayed in these districts for at least four years and many have become leaders in their schools and in statewide professional learning offerings for their colleagues. This statewide community of practice meets regularly to reflect on the effectiveness of strategies that they have implemented and design improvements for future use. The RiSE Teaching Fellowship Program is just one example of RiSE initiatives to support Maine teachers and thus improve access to high quality STEM learning experiences for rural Maine students.