Exploring Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Rural Maine
In Maine, the need to develop entrepreneurial ecosystems has been identified as a key strategic initiative aiming to inspire innovation through cross-sector collaboration, increasing entrepreneurship, and establishing policies that welcome more women to the workforce (Maine, 2019). A supplemental report identifies entrepreneurship as one of four ways to grow Maine’s economy, specifically listing goals to “fill gaps in Maine’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and unlock the entrepreneurial spirit in Maine’s small business sector” and “cultivate an entrepreneurial support ecosystem” (Maine, 2020, p. 5). The presence of these initiatives indicates that women, entrepreneurs, and rural communities are crucial to Maine’s economic development. While these initiatives seem promising, it is important to understand how to support women in developing these ecosystems. Insights from previous studies illustrating the impacts of entrepreneurial ecosystems on entrepreneurial success from other regions will be presented as will findings from a study of women entrepreneurs from rural Maine that explored what these women need from each other and their communities to thrive. Additionally, information will be presented about a developing study that will explore opportunities for cross-cultural entrepreneur exchanges that support the development of local and regional entrepreneurial ecosystems.