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This collection includes interviews with five Somali women living in Lewiston, Maine in 2003. The interviews were conducted by Elizabeth Hoyt Hannibal and Dianne Schindler for a project for ANT 425 taught by Dr. James Moreira at the University of Maine. Included is a narrative of how Hannibal and Schindler set up the interviews with Fatuma Hussein, Azeb Hassan, Hawa Kahin, Kiih Issa, and Ayan Ismail. Interviews took place in Lewiston at Daryeelka, Inc., a resource for families that assists them in becoming economically independent and active participants in community life. Also included in the collection is a paper by Caterina Anderson at the Margaret Chase Smith Center for Public Policy “The Somalis of Lewiston, Maine: A Policy Perspective” written on May 10, 2004. Also included is a small collection of current articles with maps from the World Wide Web about Somalia and about Somalis in Lewiston.
Publication Date
Immigration and Emigration, Social Life and Customs, Social Movements and Services
Folklore | Oral History
Size of Collection
7 items
Dates of Collection
Manuscript Number
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, "MF163 Somalis in Lewiston, Maine Collection" (2024). Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History Finding Aids. Number 81.