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Ten interviews totaling 23 hours conducted for a course at University of Maine taught by Edward D. "Sandy" Ives in 1976 about a pulpwood operation at Little Musquash Lake run by Grover Morrison. This project included the publication of Northeast Folklore: "Suthin," XVIII. These interviews were the basis of "Suthin:" It's the Opposite of Nothin': An Oral History of Grover Morrison's Wood's Operation at Little Musquash Lake, 1945-1947 (Northeast Folklore XVIII: 1977 ). Collection includes the text of the poem, "Suthin'"; other poems; information about daily work in the woods and with the portable sawmill; life in the woods camp; and notes, letters, sketches, and journals from the class's field trip to Little Musquash Lake.
Publication Date
Forestry, Business and Industry
Folklore | Oral History
Size of Collection
12 items
Dates of Collection
Manuscript Number
Recommended Citation
Special Collections, Raymond H. Fogler Library, University of Maine, "MF058 "Suthin" Project, 1976" (2023). Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History Finding Aids. Number 74.