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Book Reviews

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Reviews of the following books: Was Baseball Really Invented in Maine? by Will Anderson; Acadian Hard Times: The Farm Security Administration in Maine's St. John Valley, 1940-1943 by C. Stewart Doty; The Latchstring Was Always Out: A History of Lodging Hospitality and Tourism in Bartlett, New Hampshire by Aileen M. Carroll; A Fair Field and No Favor: A Concise History of the Maine State Grange by Stanley Russell Howe; Dell Turner: The Stories of His Life by John T. Meader; Hail Britannia: Maine Pewter and Silverplate: An Exhibition of Maine Britannia Ware and Silverplate, 1829-1941, in the Collections of the Maine State Museum, May 15, 1992-May 15, 1993 by Edwin A. Churchill
