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Book Reviews

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Reviews of the following books: The Long Argument: English Puritanism and the Shaping of New England Culture, 1570-1700 by Stephen Foster; The Salem Witch Crisis by Larry Gragg; A Home for Everyman: The Greek Revival and Maine Domestic Architecture by Joyce K. Bibber; The Gunpowder Mills of Maine by Maurice W. Hitten; In the Hands of Providence: Joshua L. Chamberlain And The American Civil War by Alice Rains Trulock; Hurricane Island: The Town That Disappeared by Eleanor Motley Richardson; Home Front On Penobscot Bay: Rockland During The War Years, 1940-1945by Paul G. Merriam, Thomas J. Molloy, and Theodore W. Sylvester, Jr.; The History of Broadcasting in Maine: The First Fifty Yearsby Ellie Thompson; New Compass Points by Roy P. Fairfield
