Maine History is the only periodical devoted to scholarship on the history of Maine, and is a peer-reviewed publication. It is published twice a year, in January and July, by the Maine Historical Society in cooperation with the Department of History at the University of Maine. A subscription to Maine History is one of the benefits of membership in MHS.
Volume I, Number 1, of the MHS Quarterly Newsletter appeared in June 1961. The following January the Society announced that future issues would appear quarterly in February, May, August, and November. For the next eight years the society maintained that schedule. The content consisted of Society news, lists of new members, news of other historical societies, recent writings on Maine history in books, periodicals, and newspapers; recent additions to the Society's library; and suggested readings in Maine history. Book reviews appeared from time to time.
In summer 1969 the Newsletter became a scholarly journal. The first issue of the new journal appeared as Maine Historical Society Newsletter, Volume 9, Number 1. Four years later the journal's name was changed to Maine Historical Society Quarterly, and its name changed once more in 1994 to Maine History.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 53, Number 2
Maine History
Fall 2020
Front Matter
Journal Cover and Table of Contents
Maine Historical Society
Letter from the MHS Director
Steve Bromage
Editor's Note
Gregory Gaines
Two Narratives about a Nineteenth-Century African American Settlement in Rural Maine
Christopher Marshall
With a Little Help from My Friends: Jewish Mutual Assistance in Nineteenth-Century Maine
David M. Freidenreich and Kristin Esdale
PHOTO ESSAY: State of Mind: Becoming Maine
Maine Historical Society
Reclaiming Maine's Archive and History in the Atlantic World, 1822-1876
Derek Kane O'Leary
The Maine Press Association Takes a Stand: Promoting Professional Identity in the Nineteenth Century
Stephen Banning
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
Sean Cox, Eileen Hagerman, George Kotlik, Thomas Peace, Hannah Schmidt, and Eric Toups