Document Type

Honors Thesis


Secondary Education


Tammy Mills

Committee Members

Robert Ballingall, Mark Brewer, Richard Powell, Martha Gladstone

Graduation Year

May 2025

Publication Date

Winter 1-2025


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact that the current political climate of the United States has had on education. The current political climate in the United States has profoundly impacted education, creating a polarizing environment that extends beyond rural-urban divides. This thesis explores these effects through a dual lens of literature and firsthand educator testimony. Various lines of literature helped to establish a background for how the United States managed to reach a point where education has become a target of political controversy. The literature explores the relationship between educational policy, funding, and the experience of rural America. The testimonial section of my research was conducted through interviews. In these interviews I asked several teachers, a principal, and a former graduate several questions regarding the impact the current political climate may have on their experiences with education. Findings reveal that polarization disrupts equitable funding, community trust, and dialogue within educational contexts, affecting both rural and urban areas differently. By synthesizing interviews and literature, the study identifies actionable solutions, including promoting community dialogue, improving policymaking collaboration, and addressing systemic inequities. This thesis aims to contribute to the national discourse on depolarizing education. It is very clear that the current political climate in the United States has had a detrimental effect on education, and that changes need to be made to help the communities, schools, and students caught in the fray.
