Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2020

Level of Access Assigned by Author

Open-Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Owen Smith

Second Committee Member

Susan L. Smith

Third Committee Member

Amy Curtis


The musical work which is described in much of this thesis involves an instrument from Hungary, one that was made for me, called a bass hurdy-gurdy. Professional artists and musicians participated in experiments in three-dimensional musical scoring. These experiments are recounted in detail, including improvisation, jazz, drone, found objects and, of course, extended techniques on the hurdy-gurdy. Whereas musical expression and education normally rely more on traditional ideals such as traditional notation, voice leading, song-form, technique, prestige, and nationalism, this research uses more unusual materials such as found objects, fragments of ideas, humor, unexpected scenes, even tree branches—giving this collection of works a Bohemian and ephemeral kind of sensibility. Musicians were then given a chance towards the end to offer text feedback, all of which is included in this written document. Also included here are my photographs, as well as links to how it sounded. Presented here are lesserknown methods of composition that will be thought of as: alternate musical scoring.

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