Restraint and Seclusion in Maine: Using Data as a Tool Transcript 0:00:13.700,0:00:28.000 [Sounds of children playing on the playground] 0:00:51.000,0:01:19.800 [Sounds of children in the classroom.] 0:01:26.600,0:01:31.860 >>Deb: I would love to talk about a document that came out just about when I started 0:01:31.860,0:01:38.040 my advocacy path and this is a resource document from the U.S. Department of 0:01:38.040,0:01:43.650 Education and it talks about ways of reducing restraint and seclusion. I mean 0:01:43.650,0:01:48.119 that really was the intention of this and it also talks about the 0:01:48.119,0:01:52.350 definitions. Unfortunately, there's a bunch of different definitions for 0:01:52.350,0:01:59.550 restraint and seclusion from state to the feds but this document is super 0:01:59.550,0:02:05.880 important, and the reason why I bring this up is because one of the things 0:02:05.880,0:02:11.009 that I've studied over the years is the data. And there's data that we get from 0:02:11.009,0:02:15.750 the Maine Department of Education, and there's also data that we get from the 0:02:15.750,0:02:22.440 US Office of Civil Rights. Okay, and they call it the Civil Rights Data Collection. 0:02:22.440,0:02:32.160 And I've used it to actually look up specific schools, to look for patterns of 0:02:32.160,0:02:36.330 schools that might be having challenges with too much use of restraint and 0:02:36.330,0:02:45.120 seclusion. >>Jodie: Can I just ask a question about that?>>Deb: Absolutely. >>Jodie: So you are looking them up based on the incident reports that were 0:02:45.120,0:02:50.580 filed? Is that how you are evaluating when the restraints and seclusion 0:02:50.580,0:02:55.140 are taking place? >>Deb: That's an excellent question because the Office of Civil 0:02:55.140,0:02:59.130 Rights does it very differently than the Maine Department of Education. >>Jodie: Okay. >>Deb: And 0:02:59.130,0:03:04.700 the Maine Department of Education relies on data supplied by superintendents 0:03:04.700,0:03:12.390 and the Office of Civil Rights relies on could also be sent from this 0:03:12.390,0:03:16.350 from superintendents but it's filled out through a different stream. So, they're 0:03:16.350,0:03:21.420 really, unfortunately, not completely apples to apples. >>Jodie: Okay. >>Deb: But, they still 0:03:21.420,0:03:28.980 matter. >>Jodie: Yeah. >>Deb: And it's really interesting because you can go up and look up each 0:03:28.980,0:03:35.480 district, each school, and find out information about your school and 0:03:35.480,0:03:38.640 sometimes it's really helpful to know because, if your 0:03:38.640,0:03:42.900 school's really low then you know it's not a big habit in your school. But, 0:03:42.900,0:03:47.670 unfortunately, some schools have gotten into the habit of managing serious 0:03:47.670,0:03:52.890 behavior with restraint and seclusion and it's especially true for students 0:03:52.890,0:03:59.940 with disabilities. So you can either look on the Maine Department of 0:03:59.940,0:04:07.620 Education's website. They have a restraint and seclusion page and it includes the 0:04:07.620,0:04:16.079 Chapter 33 Rule; it includes Maine's data; and I think it's really important 0:04:16.079,0:04:21.120 because, especially for students with disabilities. I think they're 0:04:21.120,0:04:25.950 misunderstood. They're not bad kids they just have some really complex 0:04:25.950,0:04:32.730 challenging behavior. >>Jodie: Yes. >>Deb: And I wish more people cared about the issue. It's a 0:04:32.730,0:04:37.230 tough issue it really is. I's not something that you have coffee talk over 0:04:37.230,0:04:41.640 with any average person. >>Jodie: It's not and in fact, I know we've talked before, that 0:04:41.640,0:04:45.240 sometimes as you're entering the world of restraint and seclusion when, you know, 0:04:45.240,0:04:49.020 you're introduced to, that it can feel sort can feel private, 0:04:49.020,0:04:55.530 it can feel, sort of, shameful. Like, Oh, I don't want my, you know, kid's peers' 0:04:55.530,0:04:59.490 parents knowing this. Like, what if they don't want him hanging out with them, or, 0:04:59.490,0:05:04.080 you know, it can...there can be a lot of just emotions that are all balled up in 0:05:04.080,0:05:09.450 it as well. >>Deb: Absolutely, and I've been there, so I know. I don't...I haven't 0:05:09.450,0:05:14.610 forgotten those days. Of course, like I've said a few times, this is what drives me 0:05:14.610,0:05:21.350 to be an advocate and to help other families and when... Using data is a tool 0:05:21.350,0:05:28.620 just like behavioral data - and this is more of a school-wide look. But, sometimes 0:05:28.620,0:05:32.340 it gives you information about your school, and what you're dealing with. And 0:05:32.340,0:05:40.500 it's not easy, it's tricky. But, working collaboratively with your team is what gets things done. 0:05:44.000,0:06:32.150 [music]