This series includes material submitted to the University of Maine COVID-19 Community Archive by staff of the University of Maine Foundation regarding the funding for and groundbreaking of the Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center. Also, includes a report from the University of Maine College of Engineering chairs/faculty and center directors detailing projects directly relevant to COVID-19 and course materials/strategies/assignments/approaches to create infrastructures of support for students in the face of COVID-19. The content was submitted to the University of Maine COVID-19 Community Archive by Jonathon Jue-Wong, Administrative Coordinator, The Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost.

The content has been submitted to the Provost Office following a call for University of Maine faculty to submit examples of COVID-19 related course activities, assignments, projects, etc. from spring 2020 and fall 2020, including syllabi for courses focused entirely on COVID-19 (all disciplinary perspectives, all areas of scholarly expertise); and any materials for COVID-19-related symposia, special journal issues, lectures, colloquia, conferences, presentations, etc. planned or projected for summer or fall 2020.


Submissions from 2020

Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center_Machine Tool Lab Demolition, Christopher Karlen

Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center Virtual Groundbreaking, Monique Hashey, Patricia Cummings, and Dana N. Humphrey


College of Engineering_GEE 230 Introduction to Engineering Leadership and Management_Group Team Project, Dana N. Humphrey

Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center Donor Video, Patricia Cummings


College of Engineering_Pandemic Related Projects, Courses and Materials, University of Maine College of Engineering