Document Type
Publication Title
Research in Focus
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Abstract/ Summary
The selective properties of knotless twine have been of interest to fishermen, scientists and resource managers alike. Knotless twine holds appeal for some in northeast U.S. trawl fisheries, though its use is sometimes limited by high material costs. Ideally, knotless mesh enhances selection against undersized flatfish, while maintaining the catch of legal-sized individuals. This project, funded by the Northeast Consortium, examined knotless codend performance when fished in the diamond configuration. The specific objective was to evaluate the selective properties of knotless 6.5" (165.1 ml) mesh, in the codend of a bottom trawl, used in the groundfish fishery of the Gulf of Maine. A companion project, similarly funded by the Northeast Consortium, was conducted concurrently. This publication describes the project in brief, and provides some general pros and cons on the use of knotless twine.
Repository Citation
Morse, Dana, "Selectivity Tests with Knotless Mesh in Trawl Codends in the Northeast Groundfish Fishery" (2005). Maine Sea Grant Publications. 9.
post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing with all author corrections and edits)
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