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Vocal Popular
VP_018630 Verse 1L'Amerique est la soeur de la France, Toutes deux ont la meme esprance, Le meme ideal de beaute, Et lamourde leur liberte! La France est la gran de soeur ainee; Toujours plus belle avec les an nees, Et qui garde sans cesse au fond du coeur, Le pur sentiment de l'honneur! Chorus 1Sur le meme chemin La main dans la main, vaillantes et stoiques. Elles vont toutes deux vers des jours glorieux La France et l'Amerique Verse 2France, our sister land beyond the sea Like our own a Land of Liberty Unfurls her banner to the sky, The same three colors hold on high, While her valiant Heroes tried and true rally round the Red and White and Blue And rushing orth into the fearful strife, Give all to save their country's life Chorus 2May our two nations stand Ever hand in hand, As they grow old in story, France to our heart is dear Let us give a cheer, For France we wave old Glory. Verse 3Pour acquerir son independance Lamerique appela notre France, Alors, de suite, et sans compter Par amour de la Liberte, La France accourut sur cette Terre Et combattit pour la Sainte guerre De puisce jour les deux vaillanter soeurs, n'ont plus qu'un seul et meme coeur! Chorus 3Voici qu'aujourd' hui la France pleure, L'Amerique enfin a trouve l'heure, De lui preterson grand appui, Pour aneantir l'Ennemi! Bientot sur l'antique territoire, Toutes deux se couvriront de gloire; La Liberte, toujours refleurira, Tant que notre amitie vivra! Verse 4France, our sister land beyond the sea Helped us win our priceless liberty She made our sacred cause her own, And fought until the fight was won. France shall know that we cannot forget Rochambeau, De Crasse and Lafayette! Their names and deeds shall ever beextolled, And on our hearts they are enrolled. Chorus 4France, our sister land beyond the sea, Fights once more the fight for liberty, Shall France in us not find a friend? A helping hand shall we not lend? Let the brave defenders of Verdun Know that we are with them every one! Let freedom's flag forever be unfurled For them for us for all the world.
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Physical Description
1 score (4 p.) : ill. ; 31 cm.
Publication Date
J. E. Turcot
Publication Place
Recommended Citation
Larrieu, Albert and Downer, Charles, "France - America" (1917). Vocal Popular Sheet Music Collection. Score 4961.